Author(s): Patrik Viktor, Lakhvinder Kaur, Jai Shanker Pillai HP, Othman Mahjoob Khalaf, Mustafa Mudhafar, Hasibul Hasan, Joti Devi, Antonieto G. Alaban, Calvin R. Wei, Mohammad Jamali, Rezwan Ahmed Mahedi, Nikolaus Syrmos, Shahrin Risa Sejuti


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2025.00062   

Address: Patrik Viktor1, Lakhvinder Kaur2, Jai Shanker Pillai HP3, Othman Mahjoob Khalaf4, Mustafa Mudhafar5, Hasibul Hasan6, Joti Devi7, Antonieto G. Alaban8, Calvin R. Wei9, Mohammad Jamali10, Rezwan Ahmed Mahedi11, Nikolaus Syrmos12, Shahrin Risa Sejuti13
1Obuda University, Keleti Károly Faculty of Business and Management, Obuda University, Tavaszmezo u. 15-17, H-1084 Budapest, Hungary.
2Associate Professor, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies.
3Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Komar University of Science and Technology, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
4College of Education, Al-Farahidi University, Baghdad, Iraq.
5Department of medical physics, college of applied medical sciences, university of Kerbala, 56001, Karbala Iraq.
6Department of Applied Nutrition and Food Technology, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh.
7Hospital Pharmacist, Agha Khan University Hospital, Clifton Medical Services, Clifton, Karachi.
8Lecturer, King Faisal U

Published In:   Volume - 18,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2025

The study of poisons and their effects includes detection, measurement, toxicity, fatal dose, and therapy. Medical and legal issues related to substance-induced injury are the focus of forensic toxicology. This study discusses poisonings, their consequences, and forensic investigations. Children are especially susceptible to poisoning from suicide attempts, murders, accidents, and unintended exposures. For profit or revenge, homicidal poisoning occurs. The paper describes toxic symptoms and diagnosing difficulties. Toxin-related gastrointestinal, ophthalmic, and cutaneous disorders, symptoms, and vital signs are included in tables. Skin examination is important for determining poisoning pathways because of cutaneous evidence. Visual impairments, ocular indicators, and poisoning symptoms are given to help identify dangerous chemicals. Poison control centres handle poisoning episodes, provide toxicological information, treatment guidance, public health surveillance, professional consultation, toxicovigilance, emergency response, and quality improvement. The report stresses the need of international collaboration in poison control centre establishment and maintenance. Healthcare professionals and the public need poison information sources, such as databases and apps, to manage poisoning incidents. A complete list of materials is provided. The study concludes by assessing poison exposure and poisoning circumstances, noting the many ways poisons may hurt or kill. The sensitivity of youngsters to even little amounts of narcotics is stressed. The research concludes that poisoning diagnosis is complicated due to the many symptoms and possible misdiagnoses. It emphasises evidence-based knowledge and poison control centres and information sources in managing and preventing poisonings.

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Patrik Viktor, Lakhvinder Kaur, Jai Shanker Pillai HP, Othman Mahjoob Khalaf, Mustafa Mudhafar, Hasibul Hasan, Joti Devi, Antonieto G. Alaban, Calvin R. Wei, Mohammad Jamali, Rezwan Ahmed Mahedi, Nikolaus Syrmos, Shahrin Risa Sejuti. Exposures to Poisoning to Forensic Investigations and Public Health Views - A Toxicology Tapestry. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2025;18(1):402-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2025.00062

Patrik Viktor, Lakhvinder Kaur, Jai Shanker Pillai HP, Othman Mahjoob Khalaf, Mustafa Mudhafar, Hasibul Hasan, Joti Devi, Antonieto G. Alaban, Calvin R. Wei, Mohammad Jamali, Rezwan Ahmed Mahedi, Nikolaus Syrmos, Shahrin Risa Sejuti. Exposures to Poisoning to Forensic Investigations and Public Health Views - A Toxicology Tapestry. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2025;18(1):402-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2025.00062   Available on:

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