Yarnykh T. G., Kotvitska A. A., Tykhonov A. I., Rukhmakova O. A.
Yarnykh T. G.1, Kotvitska A. A.2, Tykhonov A. I.3, Rukhmakova O. A.4*
1Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, Head of Drugs Technology Department, NUPh, Ukraine.
2Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, Rector of NUPh, Ukraine.
3Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, Professor of Cosmetology and Aromology Department, NUPh, Ukraine.
4Doctor of Pharmacy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Drugs Technology Department, NUPh, Ukraine.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 13,
Issue - 7,
Year - 2020
The objective of the work – is to study and analyze causes of incompatibilities, their types and ways of overcoming in extemporaneous prescriptions based on data from literary sources. In the work, the retrospective, logical, and analytical research methods have been used to analyze the data of special literature. Based on the data of modern scientific literature, causes of pharmaceutical incompatibilities, their types and major ways of overcoming in extemporaneous prescriptions have been studied and analyzed. The given information of the problem of pharmaceutical incompatibilities, in our opinion, will increase the professional knowledge of pharmacists about the physical phenomena and chemical interactions that may occur in dosage forms, types of pharmacological incompatibilities and will guide them in practical activities in preparation of extemporaneous medicines in different dosage forms.
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Yarnykh T. G., Kotvitska A. A., Tykhonov A. I., Rukhmakova O. A. Pharmaceutical Incompatibilities: Causes, Types and Major ways of Overcoming in Extemporaneous Medicinal forms. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(7): 3459-3465. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00614.9
Yarnykh T. G., Kotvitska A. A., Tykhonov A. I., Rukhmakova O. A. Pharmaceutical Incompatibilities: Causes, Types and Major ways of Overcoming in Extemporaneous Medicinal forms. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(7): 3459-3465. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00614.9 Available on:
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