Author(s): Kh. A. Azizov, N.A. Zamanbekov, P. Sobieсh, Sh. B. Turzhigitova, N.K. Kobdikova, Y.M. Korabayev, Zh.I. Kaziyev, A.A. Tuganbay, M.S. Baimurzayeva, A.A. Zhylgeldiyeva


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2025.00046   

Address: Kh. A. Azizov1, N.A. Zamanbekov1, P. Sobieсh2, Sh. B. Turzhigitova1*, N.K. Kobdikova1, Y.M. Korabayev1, Zh.I. Kaziyev1, A.A. Tuganbay1, M.S. Baimurzayeva1, A.A. Zhylgeldiyeva1
1Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, 8 Abay ave., Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan.
2University of Warmia and Masuria, 2 Okzapowski str., Olsztyn, 10-719, Poland.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 18,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2025

Phytotherapy occupies an important place in the treatment and prevention of various diseases in human and veterinary medicine. Treatment with plant-based preparations is not inferior to synthetic preparations and even surpasses them due to their wide pharmacotherapeutic effect. Respiratory diseases in young animals are characterized by widespread prevalence, high morbidity, mortality, and significant economic damage. The study aimed to evaluate the therapeutic and prophylactic effectiveness of plant-based preparations. The study was conducted on lambs in Almaty, Kazakhstan, using various medicinal plants known for their antibacterial and immune-boosting properties. The plant-based preparations were developed in the form of aqueous and alcoholic extracts. The study included clinical trials comparing the plant-based preparations with traditional antibiotic treatments. Microbiological studies established pronounced bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties of plant extracts in various dilutions. The most pronounced antibacterial effect was shown by alcohol extracts from St. John's wort leaves and scabwort rhizome against gram-positive microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus); they had a lower effect on gram-negative microorganisms (Escherichia coli). The plant-based preparations, in particular, alcoholic extracts from the roots of St. John's wort and scabwort, demonstrated a pronounced antibacterial effect. The treated lambs showed improved immune parameters, increased leukocytes and lymphocytes, increased phagocytic activity, and higher levels of immunoglobulins G and M. The preventive effectiveness of the complex plant-based preparation was 96.7%, and the therapeutic effectiveness was 100% for alcohol extracts and 96.7% for aqueous extracts. The treated lambs also showed a 15-16% higher weight gain compared to the control group. The analysis showed that the lambs had an immunodeficiency condition, as evidenced by low immunomorphological blood parameters; under the influence of the plant-based preparations, significant increases in immune protection factors were observed. Based on the results, the authors recommend complex plant-based preparations to increase the immune status and as a highly effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent against mass respiratory diseases in lambs.

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Kh. A. Azizov, N.A. Zamanbekov, P. Sobieсh, Sh. B. Turzhigitova, N.K. Kobdikova, Y.M. Korabayev, Zh.I. Kaziyev, A.A. Tuganbay, M.S. Baimurzayeva, A.A. Zhylgeldiyeva. The Study of Immunomorphological properties and Therapeutic and Prophylactic effectiveness of Phytopreparations in Respiratory Diseases of Lambs. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2025;18(1):295-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2025.00046

Kh. A. Azizov, N.A. Zamanbekov, P. Sobieсh, Sh. B. Turzhigitova, N.K. Kobdikova, Y.M. Korabayev, Zh.I. Kaziyev, A.A. Tuganbay, M.S. Baimurzayeva, A.A. Zhylgeldiyeva. The Study of Immunomorphological properties and Therapeutic and Prophylactic effectiveness of Phytopreparations in Respiratory Diseases of Lambs. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2025;18(1):295-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2025.00046   Available on:

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