Author(s): Muchlisyam, Lisda Rimayani Nasution, Hafid Syahputra


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00513   

Address: Muchlisyam*, Lisda Rimayani Nasution, Hafid Syahputra
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Campus USU, Padang Bulan, Medan, 20155, Indonesia.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 17,      Issue - 7,     Year - 2024

The research aims to estimate the simultaneous level of the components of the ecstasy tablet by using the spectral ratio reduction method in combination with methanol and phosphate buffer pH 5 as a solvent. The drugs were dissolved in a methanol and phosphate buffer pH 5 and injected into the GC-MS. The reduction of the ratio spectrum method was validated by the test parameter accuracy, precision, linearity, LOD, and LOQ, and the levels of components in the drug mixtures be determined. It was discovered that GC-MS detected the presence of methamphetamine with retention times of 3.812 and 3.963; ephedrine HCl at 5.301 and 5.779; Paracetamol at 7.552 and 7.614; and Caffeine at 8.685. Based on the spectral ratio reduction method, methamphetamine, ephedrine HCl, Caffeine, and Paracetamol levels are determined at 257.8nm; 257.2nm; 273nm; and 245.6nm, resulting in test results of (39.33; 43.57; 8.85; and 7.18) percent for methamphetamine, ephedrine HCl, Caffeine, and Paracetamol, respectively. Accordingly, GC-MS identified drugs containing methamphetamine, ephedrine HCl, Caffeine, and Paracetamol, that can be determined simultaneously by the reduction method of ratio spectra using a combination of methanol and phosphate buffer pH 5 as a solvent, and meet the validation criteria.

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Muchlisyam, Lisda Rimayani Nasution, Hafid Syahputra. Reduction of Ratio Spectra in UV Spectrophotometry Method for Ecstasy Tablet. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(7):3275-3. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00513

Muchlisyam, Lisda Rimayani Nasution, Hafid Syahputra. Reduction of Ratio Spectra in UV Spectrophotometry Method for Ecstasy Tablet. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(7):3275-3. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00513   Available on:

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