Author(s): Badekova K. Zh., Atazhanova G. A., Ishmuratova M. Yu., Akhmetova S.B., Brazhanova A. K., Tazhina A. M.


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00471   

Address: Badekova K. Zh.1, Atazhanova G. A.3*, Ishmuratova M. Yu.2, Akhmetova S.B.1, Brazhanova A. K.1, Tazhina A. M.1
1Institute of Life Sciences, NC JSC "Karaganda Medical University", Gogol Street 40,100000, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
2Department of Botany, NS JSC “E.A. Buketov Karaganda University”, Universitetskaya Street 28, Campus 3, 100028, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
3Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines and Chemistry, NC JSC "Karaganda Medical University", Gogol Street 40,100000, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 17,      Issue - 7,     Year - 2024

Origanum vulgare L., a member of the Lamiaceae Lindl. family, is a plant of interest due to its potential as a source of medicinal preparations. In 2022, morphological studies were conducted on the above-ground organs of Origanum vulgare L. near the city of Shchuchinsk in the Burabay District of the Akmola Region in Kazakhstan (coordinates: 52°56' N, 70°12' E). These studies involved macroscopic and microscopic analysis, allowing for the identification of diagnostic characteristics that distinguish this species from others. The article presents findings related to the leaves, flowers, and stems of Origanum vulgare L., highlighting morphological features with diagnostic significance.

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Badekova K. Zh., Atazhanova G. A., Ishmuratova M. Yu., Akhmetova S.B., Brazhanova A. K., Tazhina A. M.. Morpho - Anatomical study of Origanum vulgare L. Growing in the Akmola Region of Kazakhstan. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology.2024; 17(7):3013-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00471

Badekova K. Zh., Atazhanova G. A., Ishmuratova M. Yu., Akhmetova S.B., Brazhanova A. K., Tazhina A. M.. Morpho - Anatomical study of Origanum vulgare L. Growing in the Akmola Region of Kazakhstan. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology.2024; 17(7):3013-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00471   Available on:

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