Author(s): Viol Dhea Kharisma, Priscilla Listiyani, Ahmad Affan Ali Murtadlo, Rizal Adistya Putra Pradana, ANM Ansori, Alexander Patera Nugraha, Rollando Rollando, Raden Joko Kuncoroningrat Susilo, Suhailah Hayaza, Sofya Olegovna Budagova, Gregory Vadimovich Nadvodnyk, Ivan Gennadievich Lebedev, Zaira Nadirovna Khalibekova, Igor Vladimirovich Rzhepakovsky, Maksim Rebezov, Vikash Jakhmola, Hery Purnobasuki, Dwi Kusuma Wahyuni


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00311   

Address: Viol Dhea Kharisma1,2, Priscilla Listiyani2, Ahmad Affan Ali Murtadlo2, Rizal Adistya Putra Pradana2, ANM Ansori3, Alexander Patera Nugraha4, Rollando Rollando5, Raden Joko Kuncoroningrat Susilo6, Suhailah Hayaza6, Sofya Olegovna Budagova7, Gregory Vadimovich Nadvodnyk7, Ivan Gennadievich Lebedev8, Zaira Nadirovna Khalibekova9, Igor Vladimirovich Rzhepakovsky10, Maksim Rebezov11,12, Vikash Jakhmola13, Hery Purnobasuki1, Dwi Kusuma Wahyuni1*
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
2Computational Virology Research Unit, Division of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Generasi Biologi Indonesia Foundation, Gresik, Indonesia.
3Professor Nidom Foundation, Surabaya, Indonesia.
4Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
5Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, Ma Chung University, Malang, Indonesia.
6Department of Nanotechnology Engineering, Faculty

Published In:   Volume - 17,      Issue - 5,     Year - 2024

Viral replication inhibition strategies are needed to prevent pandemics through the latest therapeutic agent designs. A viral infection occurring over a wide area is called a pandemic. The strategy of inhibiting virus replication is used to tackle the pandemic Viruses can trigger negative regulation of apoptosis in host cells for viral survival. Apoptosis can reduce viral load and inhibit viral replication. Several types of viruses can evade the immune response through upregulation of various anti-apoptotic proteins, which allows this research to explore specific types of anti-apoptotic proteins in host cells for the design of candidate therapeutic agents.Medicinal plants from the Dayak Lundayeh tribe in North Kalimantan have potential for health, the antiviral potential of these plants has not been identified. This study aims to reveal the potential of the bioactive compounds from Bawang Ada' as antivirals with a molecular mechanism through apoptosis with an in silico approach.The in silico method used in this study consisted of ligand preparation, druglikeness analysis, pathway prediction, docking, and molecular interaction.Bawang Ada' acts as the best antiviral candidate through the activity of Erythrolaccin and Isoeleutherin compounds in inhibiting antiapoptotic proteins consisting of GSK3B and AKT1. We recommend the binding sites Val70, Leu132, Ile62, Leu188, Asp200, and Cys199 (GSK3B) and Leu210, Leu264, Tyr272, Asp292, Trp80, Lys 268, Val270, and Ser205 (AKT1) for further research as antiviral target development.

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Viol Dhea Kharisma, Priscilla Listiyani, Ahmad Affan Ali Murtadlo, Rizal Adistya Putra Pradana, ANM Ansori, Alexander Patera Nugraha, Rollando Rollando, Raden Joko Kuncoroningrat Susilo, Suhailah Hayaza, Sofya Olegovna Budagova, Gregory Vadimovich Nadvodnyk, Ivan Gennadievich Lebedev, Zaira Nadirovna Khalibekova, Igor Vladimirovich Rzhepakovsky, Maksim Rebezov, Vikash Jakhmola, Hery Purnobasuki, Dwi Kusuma Wahyuni. Molecular Network Simulation of Bawang Ada’ (Eleutherine americana Merr.) from Dayak Lundayeh in North Kalimantan Tackle various Viral Infection Targeting Key Protein. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(5):1961-7. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00311

Viol Dhea Kharisma, Priscilla Listiyani, Ahmad Affan Ali Murtadlo, Rizal Adistya Putra Pradana, ANM Ansori, Alexander Patera Nugraha, Rollando Rollando, Raden Joko Kuncoroningrat Susilo, Suhailah Hayaza, Sofya Olegovna Budagova, Gregory Vadimovich Nadvodnyk, Ivan Gennadievich Lebedev, Zaira Nadirovna Khalibekova, Igor Vladimirovich Rzhepakovsky, Maksim Rebezov, Vikash Jakhmola, Hery Purnobasuki, Dwi Kusuma Wahyuni. Molecular Network Simulation of Bawang Ada’ (Eleutherine americana Merr.) from Dayak Lundayeh in North Kalimantan Tackle various Viral Infection Targeting Key Protein. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(5):1961-7. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00311   Available on:

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