Mohammad Reza Maghsoudi, Peyman khademhosseini, Zabihollah Talesh, Mehran Bahramian
Mohammad Reza Maghsoudi1*, Peyman khademhosseini1, Zabihollah Talesh1, Mehran Bahramian2
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Emergency Medicine and Toxicology, Alborz University of Medical Science, Karaj, Iran.
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Alborz University of Medical Science, Karaj, Iran.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 17,
Issue - 5,
Year - 2024
Introduction: The most common emergency of high blood pressure is a sudden increase in blood pressure despite continuing the prescribed treatments, in patients with a history of primary chronic blood pressure. The purpose of the present study investigate the effectiveness of anti-anxiety treatment in helping to control hypertension in hypertensive crises patients referred to Shahid Rajaei Hospital of Karaj in 2020. Materials and Methods: The present study is a randomized clinical trial. The study subjects included patients with hypertensive crisis who referred to Shahid Rajaei Medical and Teaching Center in Karaj in 2020. The information was collected using researcher-made questionnaires, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and the same device and operator for each patient. The patients were randomly divided into two groups (received Lorazepam 1mg and Olanzapine 2mg orally) and (did not receive anti-anxiety medication). The systolic, diastolic and heart rate of the patients during their stay in the hospital were evaluated in all patients with high blood pressure according to the monitoring standard of these symptoms, and in the patients of the anti-anxiety drug group, at the beginning of anti-anxiety drug administration and then 40 minutes after the prescription of anti-anxiety medication was also measured. After being discharged from the emergency room and taking the oral antihypertensive and anti-anxiety diet of their own group, the patients were called for re-evaluation one week and three weeks later. Results: In this study, 120 patients including 59 women and 61 men, with an average age of 52.24 years, were investigated. The results showed that the reduction of systolic and diastolic pressure is statistically significant compared to cases of not using anti-anxiety medication (P?0.05). However, in the follow-up i.e. 1 week and 3 weeks later, no significant difference was observed (P?0.05). Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the evaluation of patients with hypertensive crisis in terms of anxiety disorder with an appropriate scale and the prescription of anti-anxiety drugs in patients with indicators of anxiety disorders during a hypertensive crisis help to improve and accelerate blood pressure control in the emergency room. It is suggested that more studies be designed with a longer duration and larger sample size in the future.
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Mohammad Reza Maghsoudi, Peyman khademhosseini, Zabihollah Talesh, Mehran Bahramian. Assessment of Anxiolytic Therapy efficiency in helping hypertension control in hypertensive crises in Rajaiee hospital patients, Karaj, 2020: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(5):2093-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00331
Mohammad Reza Maghsoudi, Peyman khademhosseini, Zabihollah Talesh, Mehran Bahramian. Assessment of Anxiolytic Therapy efficiency in helping hypertension control in hypertensive crises in Rajaiee hospital patients, Karaj, 2020: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(5):2093-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00331 Available on:
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