Author(s): Sonam Ahuja, Aayush Sinojia


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00246   

Address: Sonam Ahuja*, Aayush Sinojia
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Parul Institute of Applied Science, Parul University Limda-391760 Waghodiya, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 17,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2024

Fragrance chemicals have been utilized to refresh the air and hide smells since antiquity. Electric air fresheners have a 30% market share, sprays, including aerosol air fresheners, have a 27% market share, car air fresheners have a 16% market share, gel air fresheners have a 9% market share, candle air fresheners and wax melts have a 7% market share, liquid air fresheners have a 6% market share, and others. According to research studies, 34.7% of the population in the United States experienced health concerns such as migraine headaches and respiratory difficulties after being exposed to fragranced items. As a result, there are various studies that show that fragmented items might have harmful health impacts on the general population.Given that air, fresheners have been linked to undesirable negative health impacts, the motivation for developing a greener and healthier method of synthesis of gel air fresheners. The gel air fresheners in this work were created utilizing a simple and green sol-gel reaction that included natural biodegradable polymer gelatin and mogra essence, as well as silver nanoparticles and ampicillin drug for antibacterial gel. In any case, the gel air freshener made from mogra essence is safer for human health than commercially available ones. According to the findings of this investigation, there should be future improvements in stability.Weanalyze the property of the gel from different analysis methods like SEM, TGA, FTIR, and XRD.

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Sonam Ahuja, Aayush Sinojia. Versatile Application of Polymeric Gel Using Gelatin Polymer. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology.2024; 17(4):1559-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00246

Sonam Ahuja, Aayush Sinojia. Versatile Application of Polymeric Gel Using Gelatin Polymer. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology.2024; 17(4):1559-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00246   Available on:

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