Author(s): Dipsundar Sahu, Sreya Dutta, Shakti Bhushan, Manosi Das, Susmita Mondal, G. Babu


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00180   

Address: Dipsundar Sahu1, Sreya Dutta2, Shakti Bhushan3*, Manosi Das4, Susmita Mondal5, G. Babu6
1Research Officer (Ayurveda), Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Kolkata.
2Research Officer (Ayurveda), Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Kolkata.
3Research Officer (Botany), Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Kolkata.
4Research Officer (Chemistry), Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Kolkata.
5Research Officer (Chemistry), Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Kolkata.
6Director, Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Kolkata.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 17,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2024

Hygrophila triflora (Roxb.) Fosb. and Sachet, a notable member of the Acanthaceae family, is a herbaceous plant indigenous to South Asia, commonly found along watercourses. This study delves into the taxonomic history, morphological diversity, ecological relevance, and physicochemical properties of Hygrophila triflora. Morphologically, the plant displays dimorphism in its leaves, with adaptations suited for both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Leaves were collected from Baruipur, West Bengal, and authenticated, followed by a series of processing and microscopic analyses to explore the plant's anatomical features. The physicochemical evaluations highlighted properties such as moisture content, ash values, and extractive values, establishing a foundation for the plant's quality assessment. High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) was employed to derive a comprehensive phytochemical profile, revealing distinct Rf values when observed at two wavelengths, 254 nm and 366 nm. Additionally, a qualitative analysis showcased the presence of various secondary metabolites, such as alkaloids and flavonoids, in different extracts of the plant. These findings contribute valuable insights into the anatomical, chemical, and potential therapeutic attributes of Hygrophila triflora, paving the way for deeper pharmacological investigations and potential applications in traditional and modern medicine. This research underscores the importance of continued exploration of indigenous plant species, elucidating their roles in ecosystems and potential contributions to scientific and therapeutic domains.

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Dipsundar Sahu, Sreya Dutta, Shakti Bhushan, Manosi Das, Susmita Mondal, G. Babu. Phyto-Morphological and Phytochemical Insights: A Comprehensive Study of Hygrophila triflora (Roxb.) Fosb. and Sachet Leaves. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(3):1159-5. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00180

Dipsundar Sahu, Sreya Dutta, Shakti Bhushan, Manosi Das, Susmita Mondal, G. Babu. Phyto-Morphological and Phytochemical Insights: A Comprehensive Study of Hygrophila triflora (Roxb.) Fosb. and Sachet Leaves. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(3):1159-5. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00180   Available on:

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