Purushottam Heralagi, Deeparani Urolgin, Nandini Goudar, Ansari Aashif Raza Mohd Imtiyaz
Purushottam Heralagi1, Deeparani Urolgin2, Nandini Goudar3, Ansari Aashif Raza Mohd Imtiyaz4
1QCTrainee, Himala Drug Company, Bangalore.
2Professor and HOD, Department of Pharmacology, RR College of Pharmacy, Bangalore.
3Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, East West College of Pharmacy, Bangalore.
4Research Scholar, Department of Pharmacology, R R College of Pharmacy, Bangalore.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 17,
Issue - 12,
Year - 2024
Follicular Dermatitis a skin condition in which there is an inflammation of hair follicles is a disease found equally in both male and female and widely affecting the pediatric population too resides with the symptoms of irritation and itching of the skin and cause damage of the hair follicle, thus either caused by the parasites or bacteria or even the physical activities undertaken by the people for their skin. This review articles concludes the symptoms and various factors like physical, chemical, genetic, skin patterns, immunological condition and other biological species that influence the disease.
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Purushottam Heralagi, Deeparani Urolgin, Nandini Goudar, Ansari Aashif Raza Mohd Imtiyaz. Pathological Events and Adverse effect of Atopic Dermatitis. Research Journal Pharmacy and Technology. 2024;17(12):6146-9. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00932
Purushottam Heralagi, Deeparani Urolgin, Nandini Goudar, Ansari Aashif Raza Mohd Imtiyaz. Pathological Events and Adverse effect of Atopic Dermatitis. Research Journal Pharmacy and Technology. 2024;17(12):6146-9. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00932 Available on:
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