Author(s): Muhamad Ramadhan Salam, Rahayu Apriyanti, Nurfitriyana Rahmat, Syaiful Katadi, Irman Idrus, Restu Nur Hasanah Haris, Rachma Malina, Yusniati Dwi Pemudi


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00900   

Address: Muhamad Ramadhan Salam1, Rahayu Apriyanti1, Nurfitriyana Rahmat1, Syaiful Katadi1, Irman Idrus1, Restu Nur Hasanah Haris2, Rachma Malina3, Yusniati Dwi Pemudi4
1Department of Pharmacy, Pelita Ibu College of Health Science, Anduonohu, Poasia, Kendari 93231, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.
2Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Avicenna Institute of Technology and Health, Lepo-Lepo, Kendari 93117, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.
3Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Halu Oleo University, Kambu, Kendari 93232, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.
4Magister of Public Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Halu Oleo University, Kambu, Kendari 93232, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 17,      Issue - 12,     Year - 2024

Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus (DENV) which is transmitted to humans through mosquito bites (Aedes aegypti) with a high morbidity rate of up to 20% of those affected by dengue fever. In Indonesia, dengue fever has to get the serious attention from various parties because this disease is endemic and threatening the public health. A multicentre cross-sectional approach was carried out on 642 parents in Southeast Sulawesi. The technique sampling used simple random sampling technique. Research data analysis used descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis was used to describe sociodemographic characteristics, experiences, knowledge and acceptance of parents in Southeast Sulawesi. Meanwhile, inferential analysis was used to find out the factors that influence the parents’ acceptance in Southeast Sulawesi. The average value of parents' acceptance and knowledge of the dengue vaccine was 77.1% respectively. The results of the chi square test showed that 4 factors directly influenced the acceptance of the dengue vaccine, those were income, experience of knowing about the vaccine, source of information, and level of knowledge of the respondent with p value of <0.05. It is necessary to increase knowledge of the health workers to the parents to increase the awareness of the benefits of dengue vaccine so that parents in Southeast Sulawesi received the dengue vaccine.

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Muhamad Ramadhan Salam, Rahayu Apriyanti, Nurfitriyana Rahmat, Syaiful Katadi, Irman Idrus, Restu Nur Hasanah Haris, Rachma Malina, Yusniati Dwi Pemudi. Analysis of Determinant Factors for Dengue Vaccine Acceptance: Multicentre Cross-Sectional Study of Parents in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Research Journal Pharmacy and Technology. 2024;17(12):5937-3. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00900

Muhamad Ramadhan Salam, Rahayu Apriyanti, Nurfitriyana Rahmat, Syaiful Katadi, Irman Idrus, Restu Nur Hasanah Haris, Rachma Malina, Yusniati Dwi Pemudi. Analysis of Determinant Factors for Dengue Vaccine Acceptance: Multicentre Cross-Sectional Study of Parents in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Research Journal Pharmacy and Technology. 2024;17(12):5937-3. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00900   Available on:

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