Author(s): Jamil Anshory, Muhammad Faisal, Andi Tenri Kawareng, Muhammad Nuzul Azhim Ash Siddiq, Fahrul Rozi, Chaidir Masyhuri Majiding, Karera Aryatika, Leny Eka Tyas Wahyuni, Ummi Khuzaimah, Indria Pijaryani, Ika Wirya Wirawanti, Iriyani. K, Ismail Kamba, Nurul Afiah, Erri Larene Safika, Nastitie Cinintya Nurzihan, Reny Noviasty


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00890   

Address: Jamil Anshory1*, Muhammad Faisal1, Andi Tenri Kawareng1, Muhammad Nuzul Azhim Ash Siddiq1, Fahrul Rozi1, Chaidir Masyhuri Majiding1, Karera Aryatika1, Leny Eka Tyas Wahyuni1, Ummi Khuzaimah1, Indria Pijaryani1, Ika Wirya Wirawanti1, Iriyani. K2, Ismail Kamba2, Nurul Afiah2, Erri Larene Safika2, Nastitie Cinintya Nurzihan2, Reny Noviasty2.
1Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan, Samarinda City 75242, Indonesia.
2Lecturer, Faculty of Public Health,Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan, Samarinda City 75242, Indonesia.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 17,      Issue - 12,     Year - 2024

This study responds to concerns about under-five nutrition in Indonesia, especially the levels of stunting, overweight, underweight and wasting recorded in the Indonesia Nutrition Status Survey 2022. In an effort to address these issues and for continued monitoring after toddlers pass the Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS) at the age of more than 5 years, this study developed the "Gizi SD" application. This application is specifically designed to monitor the health and nutrition of school-age children. The application development process went through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and prototype testing, which showed good responsiveness to user needs. The app has 5 main menus in nutrition monitoring, successfully integrating the roles of parents, schools, and health centers. Through qualitative and quantitative testing, the app has succeeded in functionality, security, and performance, with prototype evaluation results showing optimal functionality and performance. A satisfactory level of accuracy and a positive level of feasibility were met. The calculation of Body Mass Index for age (BMI/U) in the app is close to the manual calculation with a conformity rate of 0.76%, superior to the WHO AnthroPlus app. Positive user acceptance marks the maturity and readiness of the app for the next step, making it a potential solution in the prevention of nutritional problems in school-aged children in Indonesia.

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Jamil Anshory, Muhammad Faisal, Andi Tenri Kawareng, Muhammad Nuzul Azhim Ash Siddiq, Fahrul Rozi, Chaidir Masyhuri Majiding, Karera Aryatika, Leny Eka Tyas Wahyuni, Ummi Khuzaimah, Indria Pijaryani, Ika Wirya Wirawanti, Iriyani. K, Ismail Kamba, Nurul Afiah, Erri Larene Safika, Nastitie Cinintya Nurzihan, Reny Noviasty. Development, Validation, and Feasibility Testing of Nutrition Monitoring Application for Prevention of Nutrition Problems in School-Age Children. Research Journal Pharmacy and Technology. 2024;17(12):5863-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00890

Jamil Anshory, Muhammad Faisal, Andi Tenri Kawareng, Muhammad Nuzul Azhim Ash Siddiq, Fahrul Rozi, Chaidir Masyhuri Majiding, Karera Aryatika, Leny Eka Tyas Wahyuni, Ummi Khuzaimah, Indria Pijaryani, Ika Wirya Wirawanti, Iriyani. K, Ismail Kamba, Nurul Afiah, Erri Larene Safika, Nastitie Cinintya Nurzihan, Reny Noviasty. Development, Validation, and Feasibility Testing of Nutrition Monitoring Application for Prevention of Nutrition Problems in School-Age Children. Research Journal Pharmacy and Technology. 2024;17(12):5863-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00890   Available on:

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