Novita Andayani, Yunita Arliny, Syarifah Fera, Basti Handoko
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Novita Andayani1, Yunita Arliny1*, Syarifah Fera2, Basti Handoko2
1Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Dr.Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Banda Aceh, 24415, Indonesia.
2Resident of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Banda Aceh, 24415, Indonesia.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 17,
Issue - 12,
Year - 2024
Varied biological markers are not always found in health services with limited resources and high costs. A biological marker named the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, we know as NLR has been extensively studied in lung cancer patients regarding its effectiveness as a predictor of evaluation. This study assess NLR as a prognosis in a survival and death scale in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) patients. This study used a cross-sectional study design. The samples were advanced stage NSCLC patients undergoing chemotherapy from January 1st 2021 to December 31st 2022 which were limited to the first mid semester of 2023 to see the prognosis of survival and its relationship with NLR. To see the sensitivity, specificity and cut-off point the AUC ROC graph was used. Log-rank test was done for the assessment of the survival. Forty-eight (71.6%) patients died and 19 (28.3%) patients survived. Cut off point of NLR was 3.025, AUC 0.506 with a sensitivity of 83.3%, a specificity of 31.6% p=0.939, survival test NLR >3.025 with average survival of 8.23 months, and NLR =3.025 with average survival of 12.95 months. P Value was 0.219. This study identified NLR as a weak biomarker in order to assess the survival prognosis of advanced stage NSCLC patients.
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Novita Andayani, Yunita Arliny, Syarifah Fera, Basti Handoko. Overview of The Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ration (NLR) as a Prognosis Biomarker of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Research Journal Pharmacy and Technology. 2024;17(12):5839-2. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00886
Novita Andayani, Yunita Arliny, Syarifah Fera, Basti Handoko. Overview of The Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ration (NLR) as a Prognosis Biomarker of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Research Journal Pharmacy and Technology. 2024;17(12):5839-2. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00886 Available on:
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