Author(s): Dwi Kusuma Wahyuni, Rizal Adistya Putra Pradana, Sri Puji Astuti Wahyuningsih, Hery Purnobasuki, Manikya Pramudya, Sehanat Prasongsuk, Sumrit Wacharasindhu, Tope Gafar Atere


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00919   

Address: Dwi Kusuma Wahyuni1*,Rizal Adistya Putra Pradana1, Sri Puji Astuti Wahyuningsih1, Hery Purnobasuki1, Manikya Pramudya1, Sehanat Prasongsuk2, Sumrit Wacharasindhu1,3, Tope Gafar Atere1,4,
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga. Surabaya, 60115, East Java, Indonesia.
2Plant Biomass Utilization Research Unit, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 10330 Thailand.
3Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand.
4Department of Medical Biochemistry, College of Health Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 16,      Issue - 12,     Year - 2023

Plasmodium berghei is a parasite that causes complications or damage to the kidneys with elevated values of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine in the blood. Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.) leaf extract contains antioxidant compounds in the form of flavonoids which has the potential to reverse kidney damage. This study aimed to determine the effect of various doses of tempuyung leaf extract on kidney histology in mice exposed to Plasmodium berghei. This study used a completely randomized design method with 28 male BALB/c mice aged 6-8 weeks. They were divided into 7 treatment groups, namely KN (Normal Control), K+ (received 10mg/kg BW (bodyweight) of chloroquine diphosphate solution), K- (infected with P. berghei only), P1 (received 1 mg/kg BW of S. arvensis), P2 (10mg/kg BW of S. arvensis), P3 (received S. arvensis 100mg/kg BW), P4 (received S. arvensis 200mg/kg BW). Except in KN treatment group, all other treatment groups were infected with P. berghei .prior to oral administration of S. arvensis. The S. arvensis treatment was carried out for 7 days after which the blood serum was taken intracardially, and the kidneys were removed for histological studies. The results showed that tempuyung leaf extract had a significant effect on the repair of glomerular cells that experienced hydropic degeneration and necrosis but has no significant effect on glomerular atrophy. Thus, tempuyung leaves have the potential to reverse kidney complications caused by malaria.

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Dwi Kusuma Wahyuni,Rizal Adistya Putra Pradana, Sri Puji Astuti Wahyuningsih, Hery Purnobasuki, Manikya Pramudya, Sehanat Prasongsuk, Sumrit Wacharasindhu, Tope Gafar Atere. Effect of Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.) Leaf Extract on Kidney Histology of Mice Exposed to Plasmodium berghei. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2023; 16(12):5684-0. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00919

Dwi Kusuma Wahyuni,Rizal Adistya Putra Pradana, Sri Puji Astuti Wahyuningsih, Hery Purnobasuki, Manikya Pramudya, Sehanat Prasongsuk, Sumrit Wacharasindhu, Tope Gafar Atere. Effect of Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.) Leaf Extract on Kidney Histology of Mice Exposed to Plasmodium berghei. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2023; 16(12):5684-0. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00919   Available on:

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