Aziz dayoub, Mohammad Imad Khayat, Afraa Zrieki
Aziz dayoub1, Mohammad Imad Khayat2, Afraa Zrieki3
1Biochemistry and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria.
2Laboratory Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria.
3Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 16,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2023
High sensitivity C-reactive protein (Hs-CRP) is a sensitive marker of subclinical inflammation associated with atherosclerosis. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the important risk factors of coronary heart disease (CHD). The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between Hs-CRP levels and both glycaemic control and CHD in Syrian type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. A random sample of 108 subjects was selected from T2DM and/or CHD patients seen in the National Centre for Diabetes, and the outpatient clinic of cardiology department at Tishreen University Hospital in Latakia. Four groups were formed: Group 1 [T2DM (+) CHD (-), N=29], Group 2 [T2DM (-) CHD (+), N=25], Group 3 [T2DM (+) CHD (+), N=29], and Group 4 (T2DM (-) CHD (-), N=25). Serum Hs-CRP and glycated haemoglobin (HBA1C) were determined. The SPSS 25.0 program was used for the statistical analysis. Probability (P) value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Mean Hs-CRP level was higher in T2DM subjects with (5.23±1.56mg/l) or without (2.29±0.78mg/l) CHD compared to T2DM (-) CHD (-) patients (0.16±0.04mg/l), (p<0.0001 for both). Mean Hs-CRP level in T2DM with CHD was not only higher than T2DM patients without CHD (p<0.0001), but also than non-diabetic subjects with CHD (2.56±0.45mg/l) (p<0.0001). There was a positive correlation between serum Hs-CRP and HBA1C in T2DM patients with CHD (r=0.781, P<0.0001), Similarly, Hs-CRP levels were positively and significantly correlated with HBA1C in T2DM patients without CHD (r=0.800, p<0.0001). We also noticed that for every 1.0% increase in HbA1c there was an 77% increase in the likelihood of having an elevated Hs-CRP. We concluded that Hs-CRP was strongly correlated with glycaemic control in T2DM patients. The highest Hs-CRP level was observed in T2DM with CHD patients. Hs-CRP could predict the incidence of coronary heart disease in T2DM patients.
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Aziz dayoub, Mohammad Imad Khayat, Afraa Zrieki. Association of High sensitivity C-reactive protein (Hs-CRP) with poor Glycaemic control and Coronary Heart Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2023; 16(1):193-9. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00036
Aziz dayoub, Mohammad Imad Khayat, Afraa Zrieki. Association of High sensitivity C-reactive protein (Hs-CRP) with poor Glycaemic control and Coronary Heart Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2023; 16(1):193-9. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00036 Available on:
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