Tin Moe Nwe, Mary Tang Ing Yien, Izzah Qashrina bt Mahiden, Timothy Imban anak Jowel, Aamir Hamzah Bin Juma’adee, Khin Than Yee, Marina Kapitonova, Soe Lwin, Swe Swe Latt
Tin Moe Nwe1, Mary Tang Ing Yien2, Izzah Qashrina bt Mahiden2, Timothy Imban anak Jowel2, Aamir Hamzah Bin Juma’adee2, Khin Than Yee3, Marina Kapitonova1, Soe Lwin4, Swe Swe Latt5
1Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UNIMAS.
2Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UNIMAS.
3Department of Paraclinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UNIMAS.
4Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UNIMAS.
5Unit of Community Medicine, AIMST University, Faculty of Medicine, Kedah.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 15,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2022
Introduction: The entire world is having a crisis on the attitudes and challenges faced by people in the e-learning areas. Online learning or e-learning carries the definition of having the education through an online basis. It is realized that online learning establishes various kinds of conceptions and barriers in achieving academic goals. Purpose: This study aims to assess the attitudes and challenges faced by the UNIMAS pre-clinical medical students concerning their academic achievements based on online medical education using e-learning systems. Methodology: In this study, the attitudes of students regarding the challenges faced by respondents and their experience during e-learning are measured. In the online survey conducted among pre-clinical medical students, the sample population was selected through convenience sampling technique taken from Year 1 and 2 medical students of UNIMAS, the data collected concerning their opinion about the experience during e-learning and the challenges faced by them. The sample data collected were statistically analysed using the T-test and Chi-Square test. Results: The results showed few significant correlations of some attitudes towards online learning and the challenges with regard to various socio-demographic factors. The results suggest that some socio-demographic factors affect the attitudes and challenges faced directly or indirectly. Most of the UNIMAS pre-clinical medical students showed a neutral attitude towards online learning while facing moderate challenges in this matter. There was no significant association between the majority variables of the socio-demographic with the respondents' attitudes except for the internet connectivity. Ethnicity and internet connectivity showed a true relationship with the challenges faced by the respondents during online learning. Conclusion: The study concludes no evidence of significant negativity among the students' attitudes with regard to their demographic background and internet connectivity. Although there were students who had faced difficulties with regard to online learning. The study suggests that online learning should have facilitated approaches in achieving total learning activities of students around the world, preparation of competent technical personnel, funding of facilitation, and collaboration between universities, specifically in developing countries.
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Tin Moe Nwe, Mary Tang Ing Yien, Izzah Qashrina bt Mahiden, Timothy Imban anak Jowel, Aamir Hamzah Bin Juma’adee, Khin Than Yee, Marina Kapitonova, Soe Lwin, Swe Swe Latt. Attitude of UNIMAS Pre-Clinical Medical Students towards Online Learning and the Challenges Faced by Them. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2022; 15(3):1273-1. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2022.00213
Tin Moe Nwe, Mary Tang Ing Yien, Izzah Qashrina bt Mahiden, Timothy Imban anak Jowel, Aamir Hamzah Bin Juma’adee, Khin Than Yee, Marina Kapitonova, Soe Lwin, Swe Swe Latt. Attitude of UNIMAS Pre-Clinical Medical Students towards Online Learning and the Challenges Faced by Them. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2022; 15(3):1273-1. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2022.00213 Available on:
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