Author(s): Gurleen Kaur, Srishti Gautam, Poonam Arora, Neelima Dhingra


DOI: 1042-1046   

Address: Gurleen Kaur1, Srishti Gautam1, Poonam Arora1*, Neelima Dhingra2
1Chitkara College of Pharmacy, Chitkara University, Rajpura, Patiala -140401, Punjab, India.
2University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panjab University -160014, Chandigarh, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 15,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2022

Antioxidant activity encompasses protection against cellular wear and tear by interfering in the formation of free radicals. The majority of the diseases are linked to oxidative stress generated due to these free radicals. It makes the basis for plants containing secondary metabolites showing antioxidant activity as the potential source for development of newer formulations showing action against diseases like infections, cancers and other degenerative diseases. The present study involves the study of methanolic extracts of three medicinal herbs cannabis (Cannabis sativa.), wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum) and carrot (Dascus carota L.) commonly available in Indian cultivation. The antioxidant potential of the combination of these extracts was also studied. The combinations showed a synergistic antioxidant activity suggesting that potential of natural plant extracts against any disease can be increased when used in combinations.

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Gurleen Kaur, Srishti Gautam, Poonam Arora, Neelima Dhingra. Estimation of Synergistic Antioxidant Effect of Methanolic Extracts of Some Medicinal Herbs. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2022; 15(3):1042-6. doi: 1042-1046

Gurleen Kaur, Srishti Gautam, Poonam Arora, Neelima Dhingra. Estimation of Synergistic Antioxidant Effect of Methanolic Extracts of Some Medicinal Herbs. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2022; 15(3):1042-6. doi: 1042-1046   Available on:

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