Author(s): Santi Sinala, Ismail Ibrahim, Sisilia Teresia Rosmala Dewi, Sesilia Rante Pakadang, Jumain, Arisanty


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2022.00875   

Address: Santi Sinala*, Ismail Ibrahim, Sisilia Teresia Rosmala Dewi, Sesilia Rante Pakadang, Jumain, Arisanty
Department of Pharmacy Poltekkes Ministry of Health Makassar.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 15,      Issue - 11,     Year - 2022

Medicinal raw materials derived from plants must be standardized in order to guarantee the quality, stability and safety of medicinal preparations containing these raw materials. Extract standardization includes two parameters, namely specific parameters and non-specific parameters. Dengen plant is one of the endemic plants of the island of Sulawesi which has been used by the community for several treatments. For the development of medicinal raw materials from this part of the dengen plant, it first needs to be standardized. This research is an experimental research. The ethanol extract of the dengen bark was obtained by extraction method and then tested for specific and non-specific parameters. The results obtained on organoleptic examination are brownish red color, characteristic odor, thick texture, and astringent taste. The content of soluble compounds in water is 6.16 ± 0.125%, the content of soluble compounds in ethanol is 44.61 ± 0.15%, contains flavonoid compounds, saponins and tannins, ash content is 4.17 ± 0.0285%, ash content is not soluble in acids. 0.024 ± 0.03%, moisture content 21.08 ± 0.209%, specific gravity 0.8256 ± 0.002 (5%), 0.8248 ± 0.005 (10%), total bacterial and mold/yeast contamination < 1.0 x 101 with negative mold/yeast culture, heavy metal content (mercury-Hg) 0.3335 g/g, Copper-Cu < 0.01 g/g, Lead-Pb 0.094 g/g. Based on the results of the study, the ethanolic extract of the stem bark of dengen ( Dillenia serrata ) has met the applicable standardization requirements for extracts which include specific and non-specific parameters as medicinal raw materials.

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Santi Sinala, Ismail Ibrahim, Sisilia Teresia Rosmala Dewi, Sesilia Rante Pakadang, Jumain, Arisanty. Standardization of Dengen Bark Extract (Dillenia serrata) for Emulgel Product Development. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2022; 15(11):5196-2. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2022.00875

Santi Sinala, Ismail Ibrahim, Sisilia Teresia Rosmala Dewi, Sesilia Rante Pakadang, Jumain, Arisanty. Standardization of Dengen Bark Extract (Dillenia serrata) for Emulgel Product Development. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2022; 15(11):5196-2. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2022.00875   Available on:

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