Author(s): Zorin S.N., Sidorova Yu. S., Petrov N.A., Perova I.B., Malinkin A.D., Bokov D.O., Bessonov V.V., Mazo V.K.


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00750   

Address: Zorin S.N., Sidorova Yu. S., Petrov N.A., Perova I.B., Malinkin A.D., Bokov D.O.*, Bessonov V.V., Mazo V.K.
Federal Research Center of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, 2/14, Ustyinsky PR., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 14,      Issue - 8,     Year - 2021

Objective: Quinoa grains (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) contain a large number of secondary metabolites. Phytoecdysteroids and polyphenols, secondary metabolites, are of great interest for research today. The aim of the study is a method development for the extraction of biologically active substances (BAS) from quinoa grains to obtain a functional food ingredient (FFI) enriched with phytoecdysteroids and polyphenols. Materials and methods: The content of phytoecdysteroids at each stage of quinoa extract production was determined by two methods: HPLC with a spectrophotometric detector and HPLC with a mass spectrometer. The content of total polyphenols was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The flavonoid profile was determined using a liquid chromatography system with a diode array spectrophotometric detector and a triple quadrupole mass spectrometric detector. Results: The chosen technological scheme for the production of FFI can concentrate more than 200 times the major phytoecdysteroid 20-hydroxyecdysone major in quinoa in the final product relative to the raw material. The maximum yield of flavonoids in the final product was observed in cases of 20 and 40% ethanol extraction. Conclusion: These results lead to the conclusion that highly enriched sources of BAS can be obtained using fairly simple technological approaches and commercially available reagents from quinoa grains.

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Zorin S.N., Sidorova Yu. S., Petrov N.A., Perova I.B., Malinkin A.D., Bokov D.O., Bessonov V.V., Mazo V.K. A new functional food ingredient enriched by Phytoecdisteroids and Polyphenols from quinoa grains (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2021; 14(8):4321-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00750

Zorin S.N., Sidorova Yu. S., Petrov N.A., Perova I.B., Malinkin A.D., Bokov D.O., Bessonov V.V., Mazo V.K. A new functional food ingredient enriched by Phytoecdisteroids and Polyphenols from quinoa grains (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2021; 14(8):4321-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00750   Available on:

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