P. Agrawal, K. Mruthunjaya, K. Goyal, D. Ahuja, M.K. Gupta
P. Agrawal1*, K. Mruthunjaya3, K. Goyal1, D. Ahuja1, M.K. Gupta2
1Research Scholar, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University, Jaipur Rajasthan, India.
2Saint Soldier College of Pharmacy, Tonk, Rajasthan, India.
3J.S.S College of Pharmacy, J.S.S University, Mysore, Karnataka, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 14,
Issue - 10,
Year - 2021
The present study was aimed to evaluate analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti pyretic activity of methanolic extract and aqueous extract of leave of Rotula aquatica L. in mice and rats. The methanolic extract of R. aquatica L. leave at a dose of 200mg/kg body weight has shown significant analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory activity as compared to aqueous extract. The result of hot plate method indicated that the total methanolic extract showed significant increase (P<0.01) in reaction time at a 3,4and 6 hours comparable to the reference drug Pentazocin but lesser (P<0.05) after 2hr. The tail immersion and hot plate tests revealed that plant has high analgesic activity. Both tests showed highest degree of analgesia in methanolic extract compared to aqueous extract. The total methanolic extract of R.aquatica L. leave at the a dose of 200mg/kg body weight has shown significant (p<0.01) antipyretic activity as compared to aqueous extract, methanolic extract also found to have significant result in Carrageenin-induced paw oedema; suspect edmodeo faction may be due to possible inhibition of lipooxygenase pathway.
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P. Agrawal, K. Mruthunjaya, K. Goyal, D. Ahuja, M.K. Gupta. Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory and Antipyretic Activity of Rotula aquatica Lour Leave. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2021; 14(10):5503-7. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00960
P. Agrawal, K. Mruthunjaya, K. Goyal, D. Ahuja, M.K. Gupta. Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory and Antipyretic Activity of Rotula aquatica Lour Leave. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2021; 14(10):5503-7. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00960 Available on:
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