Kamala Soppin, H.R. Venkatesha, B. M. Manohara
Kamala Soppin1, H.R. Venkatesha2, B. M. Manohara3,*
1Department of Physics, DRM Science College, Davangere - 577004, India.
2Department of Physics, Government First Grade College, Hosadurga-577527, Chitradurga-Dist. India.
3Department of Physics, Government First Grade College, Davangere - 577004, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 14,
Issue - 10,
Year - 2021
Pure CdSiO3 nanoparticles have been prepared by a solution combustion technique. The powders were well characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, Field Emission scanning electron microscopy and Ultra Violet-visible spectroscopy. The powder X-ray diffraction peaks of as-formed sample are broad and amorphous in nature; therefore it is further calcined at 800 oC for 2 h and its powder X-ray diffraction results shows that the sample had a good crystallization with Single phase. Debye- Scherer’s formula and Williamson–Hall plots are used to calculate the average crystallite size and found to 32-43 nm. The Scanning electron microscope and Transition electron microscope results reveal that the pure CdSiO3 nanoparticles were porous and agglomerated with irregular nanopowder. The absorption peaks for pure CdSiO3 nanoparticles were found to about 256 nm as observed in Ultra Violet-Visible spectra. The structural defects present in the material band gap (Eg) value were 5.6 eV. A well resolved thermoluminescence glow peaks in the range of (110-160) oC are observed in UV-irradiated pure CdSiO3 nanoparticles. Glow peak at 160 ºC was seen and Thermoluminescece intensity increases linearly with Ultra Violet dose in the samples. The kinetic parameters were determined by Halperin – Braner, Luschik and Chen’s methods. De-convolution of pure CdSiO3 nanoparticles exposed to Ultra Violet dose (UV dose: 30 min) was used for the estimation of kinetic parameters. Hence in pure CdSiO3 nanoparticles presence of deep traps recommends that the prepared sample may be used as a radiation dosimeter.
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Kamala Soppin, H.R. Venkatesha, B. M. Manohara. Dosimetric applications of CdSiO3 nanoparticles prepared via Solution Combustion Technique. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2021; 14(10):5330-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00929
Kamala Soppin, H.R. Venkatesha, B. M. Manohara. Dosimetric applications of CdSiO3 nanoparticles prepared via Solution Combustion Technique. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2021; 14(10):5330-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00929 Available on:
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