Author(s): P. Indra Priyatharesini, R. Ganesamoorthy, R. Sudha


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00386.8   

Address: P. Indra Priyatharesini*, R. Ganesamoorthy, R. Sudha
Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 13,      Issue - 5,     Year - 2020

Nanotechnology deals with the invention and practice of material in the nanoscale measurement. The large bandwidth and high exiciton binding results in peculiar potential applications like antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant property. In recent studies Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) had been synthesized frequently for the antibacterial, antifungal studies. Since the physical and chemical production of these nano particals, from the plants extract is economic and ecofriendly, the environment is protected from the usage of toxic chemicals. Thus the current study is the synthesis and characterization methods to ZnO nano particals using different biological sources. The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential of Cocos nucifera male flowers extracts for the synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles and their antimicrobial properties.

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P. Indra Priyatharesini, R. Ganesamoorthy, R. Sudha. Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle using Cocos nucifera male Flower Extract and Analysis their Antimicrobial Activity. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2020; 13(5): 2151-2154. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00386.8

P. Indra Priyatharesini, R. Ganesamoorthy, R. Sudha. Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle using Cocos nucifera male Flower Extract and Analysis their Antimicrobial Activity. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2020; 13(5): 2151-2154. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00386.8   Available on:

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