Author(s): Prasanthi, V. Padmaja, Ch. Supriya


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00353.4   

Address: Prasanthi*, V. Padmaja, Ch. Supriya
Nirmala College of Pharmacy, Atmakur, Mangalagiri, Guntur, District - 522503.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 13,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2020

The main aim of present work is to prepare and evaluate the wound healing effect of Terramycin To screen the wound healing effect of the formulated gel on the animals containing Aloe vera hydro gel and evaluate physical and microbial parameters for the formulated gel. Two gram formulations were weighed (A1, A2, A3 and A4) accurately and kept in a desiccators containing 50gm anhydrous calcium chloride. After three days, the formulations were weighed. Percentage loss is Percentage moisture loss is 1gm. The relative density of the formulation or weight/ml of the formulation was determined by taking the weight in gm of 10ml formulation and 10ml distilled water using RD bottle. Viscosity is an important feature to determine the resistance of flow of gel formulation so that it can spread on the skin properly. It was determined with the help of viscometer using 2 number spindles. pH of the formulation was determined by using pH meter. In this method, electrode was washed with double distilled water, dried with the help of tissue paper and then dipped in 20ml gel formulation. Nutrient agar media was used in microbial growth study. In this method the blank and sample (n=3) petriplates were used and the gel samples were aseptically transferred on to the sample plates in a cross pattern. The microbial growth was observed daily for 14 days.

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Prasanthi, V. Padmaja, Ch. Supriya. Preparation and Evaluation of Aloe-Vera Hydro-Gel containing Anti-Biotic. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2020; 13(4): 1961-1964. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00353.4

Prasanthi, V. Padmaja, Ch. Supriya. Preparation and Evaluation of Aloe-Vera Hydro-Gel containing Anti-Biotic. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2020; 13(4): 1961-1964. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00353.4   Available on:

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