Aswathy Bose, Shajan Abraham, Steffy P Raju, Nisha Ullas, Chippy S Pillai, Elessy Abraham, Dibyalochan Mohanty
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Aswathy Bose1, Dr. Shajan Abraham1, Steffy P Raju1, Nisha Ullas1, Chippy S Pillai1, Dr. Elessy Abraham1, Dr. Dibyalochan Mohanty2
1Department of Pharmaceutics, Nazareth College of Pharmacy, Othera PO. Thiruvalla.
2Department of Pharmaceutics, Anurag Group of Institution, Hyderabad-500088.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 13,
Issue - 10,
Year - 2020
The aim of present work was to formulate and evaluate Sitagliptin buccal patch using solvent casting method. Buccal patch gained importance as it overcomes the limitations of current routes of administration, provides rapid onset of action by releasing drug directly to systemic circulation through oral mucosa by mucoadhesion. The formulated buccal patches were evaluated for various parameters like film thickness, surface pH, folding endurance, weight variation, % moisture loss, tensile strength, % elongation, drug content uniformity, and in vitro dissolution studies The optimized formulation (F4) containing HPMC E5 and Eudragit RL 100 polymer combination in 1:1 ratio showed highest in vitro dissolution (99.7 %) and satisfactory stability.
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Aswathy Bose, Shajan Abraham, Steffy P Raju, Nisha Ullas, Chippy S Pillai, Elessy Abraham, Dibyalochan Mohanty. Formulation and evaluation of sitagliptin buccal patch. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(10):4883-4887. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00859.8
Aswathy Bose, Shajan Abraham, Steffy P Raju, Nisha Ullas, Chippy S Pillai, Elessy Abraham, Dibyalochan Mohanty. Formulation and evaluation of sitagliptin buccal patch. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(10):4883-4887. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00859.8 Available on:
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