Author(s): Ni Kadek Warditiani, I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta, Ni Luh Cintya Darmia Putri, Ni Nyoman Fitria Widianti, Ni Kadek Sriani


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00822.7   

Address: Ni Kadek Warditiani1*, I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta1,2, Ni Luh Cintya Darmia Putri1,2, Ni Nyoman Fitria Widianti1,2, Ni Kadek Sriani1,2
1Department of Pharmacy, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, Udayana University, Indonesia.
2Institute Forensic Science and Criminatology, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia 80361.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 13,      Issue - 10,     Year - 2020

To evaluate the effect of steam tomato extract in hepar and renal organs in rats loaded with alloxan and fat-rich diet. Negative and extract group rats were loading alloxan 100mg/kg BW (giving once) and fat-rich diet for 30 days. Next step, only extract rat group was given 10mg tomato extract for 14 days, and then their hepar and renal morphology were observed. Hepar and renal organ preparation colored with HE dyes. Normal and negative rats’ renal and hepar morphology were compared to rats which loaded with alloxan, fat-rich diet and extract. Glomerulus size of the negative renal group was wider than the other group. The steam tomato extract could reduce glomerulus size like normal rats. Hepar of negative group rats appears much fatty accumulation. The steam tomato extract could reduce fatty accumulation like normal rats. This effect may cause chemical compounds of extract, ie lycopene, vitamin c, and carotene. It could conclude that the administration 10mg steam tomato extracts for 14 days could protect hepar and renal were loaded alloxan and fat-rich diet.

Cite this article:
Ni Kadek Warditiani, I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta, Ni Luh Cintya Darmia Putri, Ni Nyoman Fitria Widianti, Ni Kadek Sriani. Effect of Steam Tomato Extract in Renal and Hepar Rats Loading Alloxan and Fat-Rich Diet. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(10):4675-4677. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00822.7

Ni Kadek Warditiani, I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta, Ni Luh Cintya Darmia Putri, Ni Nyoman Fitria Widianti, Ni Kadek Sriani. Effect of Steam Tomato Extract in Renal and Hepar Rats Loading Alloxan and Fat-Rich Diet. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(10):4675-4677. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00822.7   Available on:

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