Sasikala M., Mohan S, Nandha Kumar K., Sathish Kumar M., Varshini N.
Sasikala M.1,2*, Mohan S1, Nandha Kumar K.1, Sathish Kumar M.1, Varshini N.1
1Karpagam College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore – 641032, Tamil Nadu, India.
2Faculty of Pharmacy, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore – 641021, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 13,
Issue - 10,
Year - 2020
Aim and objective: The aim was to optimize the extraction method and reveal the phytoconstituents using chromatographic detection and antioxidant activity from the stem part of Ipomoea obscura using DPPH assy. Method: The extraction was carried out using maceration process. The TLC parameters were set by trial and error method and suitable mobile phase for the constituent. The phytoconstituents from ethanolic extract were identified at 365nm by HPTLC. Additionally antioxidant activity is evaluated using UV/Visible spectrophotometer. Results and Discussion: The % yield of extract was found as 39.37%w/w. From the phytochemical test, the metabolites such as alkaloids, carbohydrates, phenolic compound such as flavonoid were present. The metabolic product of the stem was separated using respective mobile phase through Rf value. Among these, only phenolic compound were choosed for HPTLC detection. Conclusion: The mentioned HPTLC profile for the plant of interest will hopefully help the researchers in herbal field to develop more herbal medicines requiring the particular constituent or its extract.
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Sasikala M., Mohan S, Nandha Kumar K., Sathish Kumar M., Varshini N. HPTLC and Antioxidant activity of Ethanolic Extract of Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl Stem. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(10):4661-4667. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00820.3
Sasikala M., Mohan S, Nandha Kumar K., Sathish Kumar M., Varshini N. HPTLC and Antioxidant activity of Ethanolic Extract of Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl Stem. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(10):4661-4667. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00820.3 Available on:
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