Author(s): M. Ramya, R.A. Kalaivani, S. Raghu


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00605.X   

Address: M. Ramya1, R.A. Kalaivani1*, S. Raghu2*
1Department of Chemistry, VISTAS, Pallavaram, Chennai-600117, Tamil Nadu, India.
2Centre for Energy and Alternative Fuel, VISTAS, Chennai-600117, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 7,     Year - 2019

Purpose of microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) might symbolize a completely new come near to waste substance behaviour with construction of possessions clean energy. In recent years, researchers have shown that MFCs is wont to turn out electricity from water containing totally dissimilar substrates. Studies on electricity generation from the wastewater as substrate are in development. In this paper the first stage of investigational path, leather effluent and sewage wastewater was used without any mediator and in the second stage leather effluent and sewage wastewater was used methylene blue as a mediator. Performance of the MFCs as reported with different wastewater with mediator and without mediator is presented. The Microbial fuel cell equipment represents a substitute type of power in which wastewater are utilized for power construction. In this experiment we used sewage water, Cow manure, Effluent water, and rice washing water operated for 5 days and successfully generated a maximum power of 482(mV), which is adequate to control small power devices. It is a less expensive cooperative and a substitute basis of energy which will be adopted for the prospect. If power production in MFC can be enlarged this tools may provide a innovative scheme to compensate wastewater management plant in use costs, with less unnecessary sludge fabrication.

Cite this article:
M. Ramya, R.A. Kalaivani, S. Raghu. Microbial Fuel Cell: A Renewable Equipment for Bio-Power Production and Simultaneous Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(7): 3551-3554. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00605.X

M. Ramya, R.A. Kalaivani, S. Raghu. Microbial Fuel Cell: A Renewable Equipment for Bio-Power Production and Simultaneous Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(7): 3551-3554. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00605.X   Available on:

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