Jayalakshmi N, Ranadheer Chowdary. P, Praveen. D, M. Vijey Aanandhi
Jayalakshmi N1, Ranadheer Chowdary. P2, Praveen. D2, M. Vijey Aanandhi3*
1Department of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, (VISTAS) Vels University, Chennai, India.
2 Research Scholar, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, (VISTAS) Vels University, Chennai, India.
3*Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, (VISTAS) Vels University, Chennai, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 11,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2018
Metastatic melanoma is one of the most aggressive forms of skin cancer. The mortality rate of this cancer is high .Almost 60% of the melanomas are due to the mutation of BRAF gene. BRAF V600E mutations has been implicated in melanoma genesis by different mechanisms. It occurs due to the improper regulation of the activation of downstream MEK (mitogen activated protein kinase enzyme)/ERK (extra cellular signal related kinase) effectors. In order to overcome the increasing rate of this disease a comparative study has been performed between two ERK/MEK inhibitors namely vemurafenib and dabrafenib and also to understand the relative efficacy and toxicity effect between these two therapeutic modalities.
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Jayalakshmi N, Ranadheer Chowdary. P, Praveen. D, M. Vijey Aanandhi. A Review on the Comparison of Vemurafenib and Dabrafenib in the treatment of Melanoma caused by Mutation of Braf. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2018; 11(4): 1516-1521. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00282.2
Jayalakshmi N, Ranadheer Chowdary. P, Praveen. D, M. Vijey Aanandhi. A Review on the Comparison of Vemurafenib and Dabrafenib in the treatment of Melanoma caused by Mutation of Braf. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2018; 11(4): 1516-1521. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00282.2 Available on: