Author(s): Ayyakannu Arumugam Napoleon, Vijay Sharma

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DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00533.9   

Address: Ayyakannu Arumugam Napoleon, Vijay Sharma
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory, SAS, VIT University, Vellore - 632014, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 10,      Issue - 9,     Year - 2017

In the present work, the three synthesizedisochromen-1-one, their thio and N-methylated analogues derived from the anti-inflammatory drug Etodolacare assessed for its in-vitro anti-inflammatory activity and carried out molecular docking studies. Docking study result shows that compound, 5 possess good binding affinity with the COX-1 receptor showing a docking score of -8.2 and lipophilic interaction of -2.5 which is greater when compared to standard drugs such as Etodolac, Aceclofenac and Diclofenac were used. The same compound 5 also shows comparable in-vitroanti-inflammatory activity with etodolac as standard in both the methods screened.

Cite this article:
Ayyakannu Arumugam Napoleon, Vijay Sharma. Molecular Docking and in vitro-Anti-Inflammatory evaluation of Novel Isochromen-1-one Analogues Frometodolac. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2017; 10(9): 3011-3014. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00533.9

Ayyakannu Arumugam Napoleon, Vijay Sharma. Molecular Docking and in vitro-Anti-Inflammatory evaluation of Novel Isochromen-1-one Analogues Frometodolac. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2017; 10(9): 3011-3014. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00533.9   Available on:

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DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X 

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