Author(s): Siripurapu Sriram, Venkata Ravibabu Mandla, Chaithanya Sudha M, Saladi S.V. Subba Rao, Nagaveni Ch, Vani V., Gobinath P., Raj Kumar KVG., Jaydeep Lella, Sannidhi Krishna Praveen, Debjit Datta


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00078.6   

Address: Siripurapu Sriram1, Venkata Ravibabu Mandla1*, Chaithanya Sudha M1, Saladi S.V. Subba Rao1, Nagaveni Ch2., Vani V2., Gobinath P2., Raj Kumar KVG2., Jaydeep Lella1, Sannidhi Krishna Praveen1, Debjit Datta1
1OS-GST Lab, Department of Environmental and Water Resource Engineering, School of Civil and Chemical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore –TN.
2Center of Disaster Mitigation and Management (CDMM), VIT University, Vellore –TN.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 10,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2017

Background and Objectives: It is an expectation that Landfill continues to be the major disposal route for municipal solid waste in future also. It is evident from so many researchers that sanitary land filling is the one of the available cheap and best alternate for handling Municipal solid waste till this day. • Study on generation of leachate in landfills • Determination of composition, characteristics of leachate in landfills. • Determination of concentration and degree of landfill stabilization of leachate. Methods: Leachate is produced during the landfill process. Leachate holding tank in landfill includes drainage, collection, removal with continuous monitoring. It includes treatment methods like: Biological, Physical and Chemical treatment processes. Results: Leachate generation, composition, characteristics, quantity with factors are discussed. Concentration and degree of landfill stabilization are measured. Variations with age in the typical concentrations of common factors for landfill leachate are measured. Typical constituents and characteristics are measured for leachate produced during landfill. Conclusions: Landfill technology is one of the popular methods for municipal solid waste and gaining popularity day by day. It has been implemented in so many countries. Modern landfills sites are well-engineered, operated and monitored. Through the landfills leachate is produced. In order to reduce environmental effects with the produced leachate-composition, quantity, concentration have to be minimize and new techniques are required to reduce green house gas emissions from landfills. Municipal solid waste increasing day by day not only population growth but also due to industrialization also.

Cite this article:
Siripurapu Sriram, Venkata Ravibabu Mandla, Chaithanya Sudha M, Saladi S.V. Subba Rao, Nagaveni Ch, Vani V., Gobinath P., Raj Kumar KVG., Jaydeep Lella, Sannidhi Krishna Praveen, Debjit Datta. Study of Leachate Characterization in Landfill by Municipal Solid Waste. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2017; 10(2): 385-390. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00078.6

Siripurapu Sriram, Venkata Ravibabu Mandla, Chaithanya Sudha M, Saladi S.V. Subba Rao, Nagaveni Ch, Vani V., Gobinath P., Raj Kumar KVG., Jaydeep Lella, Sannidhi Krishna Praveen, Debjit Datta. Study of Leachate Characterization in Landfill by Municipal Solid Waste. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2017; 10(2): 385-390. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00078.6   Available on:

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