P. Geetha, M. Kousalya, S. Geetha Lakshmi, R. Gopi.
P. Geetha*, M. Kousalya*, S. Geetha Lakshmi, R. Gopi.
Department Of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vels University, TN, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 9,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2016
Aim: The prescribing pattern of drugs used for the treatment of respiratory disease in pediatric patients at private hospital was studied.
Methods: The observational study was conducted in the pediatric clinic, during which prescriptions were analyzed.
Results: A total of 74 patient’s prescriptions were analyzed. Average number of drugs prescribed per prescription was 4.20. In that 43 (58.1%) patients were male and 31 (41.9%) patients were female. The study showed that (37.2%) of patients among children were prescribed with syrup, 27.1% with drops, 15.5% with nebulizer, 10.1% with tablet, 9.3% with inhaler and 0.8% with injection of anti-respiratory drugs. The drugs accounted for over 22%, 14.7% and 14% of prescriptions, included antibiotics, anti-histamines and ß2 agonists respectively. It has been seen that 10.8% were received two drug therapy, 25.7% were received three drug therapy, 32.4% were received four drug therapy, 25.7% were received five drug therapy, and 5.4% were received six drug therapy. Major anti-asthmatic drugs prescribed were Salbutamol (33.61%), Montelukast (29.3%), Prednisolone (17.6%), Inhaled corticosteroids (15.1%) and Deflazacort (4.20%).
Conclusion: Thus it can be concluded that the present prescribing pattern of anti-asthmatics does not meet the standard guidelines for asthma treatment. Hence there is a need of awareness amongst the Physicians. Also the patients must be encouraged to complete whole treatment for improving the health. It has been also concluded that a study may be more meaningful to further improve the dispensing practices of the pharmacist.
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P. Geetha, M. Kousalya, S. Geetha Lakshmi, R. Gopi. Prescribing Pattern of Drugs Used For Respiratory Disease in Pediatric Patients at Private Hospital. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 9(3): Mar., 2016; Page 251-256. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2016.00046.9
P. Geetha, M. Kousalya, S. Geetha Lakshmi, R. Gopi. Prescribing Pattern of Drugs Used For Respiratory Disease in Pediatric Patients at Private Hospital. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 9(3): Mar., 2016; Page 251-256. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2016.00046.9 Available on: