Author(s): A. Ranganadha Reddy, T.C. Venkateswarulu, M. Indira, A.V. Narayana, T. Naga Lohita, M. Sriharsha


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2015.00221.8   

Address: A. Ranganadha Reddy, T.C. Venkateswarulu, M. Indira, A.V. Narayana, T. Naga Lohita, M. Sriharsha
Department of Biotechnology Vignan’s University Guntur Andhra Pradesh 522 213
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 8,      Issue - 9,     Year - 2015

The Availability of genome sequences of pathogens has provided a tremendous amount of information that can be used in identification of drug targets and vaccine production. The application of in silico subtractive genomics technology significantly shortens the time required for such purposes. Subtractive genomics help enables the subtraction dataset between the host and pathogen. The aim of present work is to identify the Drug targets in Mycoplasma Pneumonia by subtractive genomic approach which helps to identify the homolog’s and Non homologs between the host and pathogen. The availability of complete Proteome sequence information of Mycoplasma Pneumonia from NCBI-FTP site helps to perform the BLAST against human proteome database. The screening of these proteins using different database like essential genes (DEG), metabolic pathways KEGG helps to identify essential proteins which may be used as drug targets against Mycoplasma Pneumonia. Prediction of these essential proteins of the outer membrane of the pathogen also could be potential vaccine targets

Cite this article:
A. Ranganadha Reddy, T.C. Venkateswarulu, M. Indira, A.V. Narayana, T. Naga Lohita, M. Sriharsha. Identification of Membrane Drug Targets by Subtractive Genomic Approach in Mycoplasma Pneumonia. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 8(9): Sept, 2015; Page 1209-1216. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2015.00221.8

A. Ranganadha Reddy, T.C. Venkateswarulu, M. Indira, A.V. Narayana, T. Naga Lohita, M. Sriharsha. Identification of Membrane Drug Targets by Subtractive Genomic Approach in Mycoplasma Pneumonia. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 8(9): Sept, 2015; Page 1209-1216. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2015.00221.8   Available on:

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