Mishra Kamlendra, Mahajan Suresh Chandra, Shukla Karunakar
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Mishra Kamlendra*, Mahajan Suresh Chandra, Shukla Karunakar
Mahakal Institute of Pharmaceutical Studies, Behind Air Strip, Datana, Dewas Road, Ujjain 456-664
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 8,
Issue - 7,
Year - 2015
Marichyadi Vati is an important ayurvedic formulation which is official in Ayurvedic Formulary of India is combination of ingredients (Piper nigrum, Piper longum, Hordeum vulgare, Punica granatum, Saccharum officinarum).The formulation is dispensed for the disorder of respiratory tract. It eliminates the aggravated kapha in the respiratory tract and in the digestive channels. It also regulates the path for vatta and helps minimize gas formation in the abdomen, being hot in nature. Therapeutically it is also used for the treatment of kasa (cough) and svasa (asthma). Piperine is one of the major constituent of Marichyadi Vati. Herbal formulations show the number of problems when quality aspect is considered. This is because of nature of the herbal ingredients and different secondary metabolites present therein. Mainly, variation in the chemical profile of the herbal due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors (growing, harvesting, storage and drying processes).
The developed method of estimation can be considered as the protocol for the evaluation of Marichyadi vati which will assist the regulatory authorities, scientific organizations and manufacturers in developing standards. The method used for evaluation is found to be precise and reproducible and help to produce uniform standard products, which will restore faith in Ayurvedic system. The developed method can also be applied to various polyherbal formulations for the quantitation of piperine and can be used as a routine quality control method in pharmaceutical industries.
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Mishra Kamlendra, Mahajan Suresh Chandra, Shukla Karunakar. Development of HPLC Finger Printing Methods for Polyherbal Ayurvedic Formulation: Mrichyadi Vati. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 8(7): July, 2015; Page 880-884. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2015.00143.2
Mishra Kamlendra, Mahajan Suresh Chandra, Shukla Karunakar. Development of HPLC Finger Printing Methods for Polyherbal Ayurvedic Formulation: Mrichyadi Vati. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 8(7): July, 2015; Page 880-884. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2015.00143.2 Available on: