Chinedu Fredrick Anowi, Emezie A.U, Calistus Nwakile, Ifanyi Alex Chukwu
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Chinedu Fredrick Anowi1, Emezie A.U.1 , Calistus Nwakile2, Ifanyi Alex Chukwu1
1Dept of Pharmacognosy and Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria
2Dept of Pharmaceutics and Pharm. Technology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 6,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2013
Purpose – the leaves of Dichapetalum madascariense were claimed to have antimicrobial properties. The leaves were used to treat wounds, yaws, ulcers, running stomach, as well as fever in Ogidi in Idemili North Local government area of Anambra state, Nigeria. This investigation was carried out to ascertain the veracity of the claim.
Methodology – The leaves was collected and dried at ambient temperature and pulverized. 200gm of the powdered drug was extracted with 400ml of water using the cold maceration technique for 24hours with occasional shaking. This was filtered and the process repeated using the marc. The combined filtrates were freeze dried using the freeze drying equipment to get the extract. The preliminary phytochemical tests were carried out using standard methods. The antimicrobial activity was evaluated using agar dilution method.
Result – the leaves of Dichapetalum madascariense exhibited antimicrobial property. Alkaloid, tannins, steroid, saponins, and glycosides were found.
Conclusion – the claim on the use of Dichapetalum madascariense appears to be obvious in line with the results of the investigation.
Cite this article:
Chinedu Fredrick Anowi, Emezie A.U, Calistus Nwakile, Ifanyi Alex Chukwu. Preliminary Phytochemical Studies and Antimicrobial Activity of the Aqueous Extract of the Leaves of Dichapetalum madascariense, Poir, Family Dichapetalaceae. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 6(4): April 2013; Page 440-444.
Chinedu Fredrick Anowi, Emezie A.U, Calistus Nwakile, Ifanyi Alex Chukwu. Preliminary Phytochemical Studies and Antimicrobial Activity of the Aqueous Extract of the Leaves of Dichapetalum madascariense, Poir, Family Dichapetalaceae. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 6(4): April 2013; Page 440-444. Available on: