Author(s): Archana A., Manikanta Kumar A., K.S. Manjunath Shetty


DOI: Not Available

Address: Archana A.*, Manikanta Kumar A., K.S. Manjunath Shetty
Srinivasa Pharmaceutical Institute and Centre for Research, Burugupally (V), Vikarabad (M), R.R. District. A.P, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 6,      Issue - 12,     Year - 2013

In the present study we report, the various processing parameters and formulations aspects for developing a pharmaceutical equivalent, stable, cost improved and quality improved formulation of pulsatile drug delivery using pulsing cap technology of sumatryptan comparable with innovator and optimize certain process parameters to get burst release of the product by maintaining the lag time. Present study has been done for burst release of the drug by maintaining the lag time in order to establish pulsin cap technology of sumatyrptan by pulsatile drug delivery. Three formulations were prepared by using of hpmc k4 m, ethylcellulose, hpmc k 15 m, with combination of carbapol, as swellable polymers. The length of the polymer tablet plug decides the lag time and after the lag time burst release of the drug occurs. In vitro drug release, kinetic data and stability studies after optimization of promising formulation of selected drug are being done to exhibit diffusion dominant drug release and its stability may be attributed to that the present problem certainly will be helpful and surely will open an avenue for new trend of pulsatile drug delivery using pulsincap technology.The results of dissolution studies indicated that the formulation F11 (HPMC K 15 M-CARBOPOL 1:3 ratio) is the most successful of the study. On increasing polymer ratio a decrease in release rate of the drug was observed after lag time. The optimized formula F11 was best fitted formulation.

Cite this article:
Archana A., Manikanta Kumar A., K.S. Manjunath Shetty. Formulation Development and Evaluation of Sumatryptan Pulsatile Drug Delivery using Pulsincap Technology. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 6(12): Dec. 2013; Page 1375-1379.

Archana A., Manikanta Kumar A., K.S. Manjunath Shetty. Formulation Development and Evaluation of Sumatryptan Pulsatile Drug Delivery using Pulsincap Technology. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 6(12): Dec. 2013; Page 1375-1379.   Available on:

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