Author(s): Amber Vyas, Bina Gidwani


DOI: Not Available

Address: Amber Vyas*, Bina Gidwani
University Institute of Pharmacy, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur Chhattisgarh-492010, India
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 6,      Issue - 11,     Year - 2013

According to the recent estimates, approximately about 40% of new chemical entities (NCEs) are rejected because of their poor biopharmaceutical properties. The number of poorly soluble drugs is steadily increasing day by day. A poor solubility is mainly associated with the poor bioavailability. Solubility is an important criteria for achieving the desired drug concentration to produce pharmacological response. Pharmaceutical industries utilize traditional as well novel approaches to overcome drug solubilization problem depending upon the suitability and effect on cost of finished product. Even though, selecting the optimal approach from the available solubilizing technologies is a crucial decision to make. Recently novel technology based on nanoparticles has emerged as an innovative approach to deal with the formulation problems associated with poor water and lipid-soluble drugs. This article not only reviews the existing methods and technologies but also, enlightens and deals with the novel approaches to overcome the problems associated with poor solubility for the existing and newer promising candidates including their advantages and limitations. This review article finally updates the recent technologies for countering the solubility issues and help the academicians as well researchers to utilize these technologies to achieve the desired outcomes.

Cite this article:
Amber Vyas, Bina Gidwani. Technologies to Counter Poor Solubility Issues: A Review. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 6(11): November 2013; Page 1258-1270.

Amber Vyas, Bina Gidwani. Technologies to Counter Poor Solubility Issues: A Review. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 6(11): November 2013; Page 1258-1270.   Available on:

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