Namdeo R. Jadhav, Anant R. Paradkar, Gourav N. Shah
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Namdeo R. Jadhav1*, Anant R. Paradkar2, Gourav N. Shah1
1Department of Pharmaceutics, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy, Kolhapur-416013, Maharashtra, India.
2Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation, University of Bradford, UK
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 6,
Issue - 11,
Year - 2013
The objective of the present work was to study the adsorption of bromhexine hydrochloride (BXH)on talc, since it has been used in design of spherical agglomerates. The adsorption study was performed taking talc and binary solvent system comprising methanol: water (15%: 85% Vol/Vol; 20%: 80% Vol/Vol; 25%: 75% Vol/Vol). Therein, BXH drug was added with increasing concentrations 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 µg/ml. The adsorped drug was filtered, centrifuged and supernatant/filtrate was checked for absorbance at Lambda max 317nm. It was found that BXH was adsorbed on the talc particles due to poor solubility of BXH in water, and hydrophobicity of talc. This has been confirmed by regression analysis. The adsorption study perfoedm by Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms showed statistical difference between ‘A’ and ‘a’(P<0.05). The increased in monolayer capacity with methanol concentration has also been noted. However, the drug adsorption is least, hence, talc can be considered as as a diluent, on whom, least drug adsorption is noted and secondly its physicochemical and physiological inertness along with inexpensive nature reinforces its application in design of novel dosage forms like pellets etc.
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Namdeo R. Jadhav, Anant R. Paradkar, Gourav N. Shah. Adsorption Studies of Bromhexine Hydrochloride on Talc. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 6(11): November 2013; Page 1247-1250.
Namdeo R. Jadhav, Anant R. Paradkar, Gourav N. Shah. Adsorption Studies of Bromhexine Hydrochloride on Talc. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 6(11): November 2013; Page 1247-1250. Available on: