Author(s): Ankit A Kharia, SN Hiremath, AK Singhai, LK Omray, GR Godge


DOI: Not Available

Address: Ankit A. Kharia*1, S.N. Hiremath2, A.K. Singhai3, L.K. Omray4 and G.R Godge5
1Oriental College of Pharmacy, Thakral Nagar. Bhopal-462021, India
2PRES’S College of Pharmacy. Chincholi, Nashik-422101, India
3Lakshmi Narayan College of Pharmacy, Bhoapl-462021, India
4Sagar Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sagar-470 228, India
5PDVVPF’S College of Pharmacy, Ahmednagar- 414001, India
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2010

An attempt was made to design and evaluate hydrodynamically balanced systems (HBS) of Diltiazem HCl hydrochloride using Locust bean gum and Methocel K4M as the polymers. All tablets contained an effervescent base consisting of sodium bicarbonate and citric acid. The tablets were prepared by direct compression method. All the designed nine batches of formulations were evaluated for hardness, friability, weight variation, drug content uniformity, swelling index, in vitro buoyancy, and drug release pattern. Estimation of diltiazem HCl in the prepared HBS was carried out by extracting drug with 0.1N HCl and analyzed at 236.4 nm spectrophotometricaly. All formulations had floating lag time below 3 minutes and constantly floated on dissolution medium for more than 24 hours. These studies indicate that the proper balance between Locust bean gum and Methocel K4M can produce a desired drug dissolution profile. The proposed formulation showed good physicochemical properties, good stability and controlled drug release pattern, thereby improving the bioavailability of the drug.

Cite this article:
Ankit A Kharia, SN Hiremath, AK Singhai, LK Omray, GR Godge. Formulation Strategy for Low Absorption Window Antihypertensive Agent. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 3(1): Jan.-Mar. 2010; Page 113-117.

Ankit A Kharia, SN Hiremath, AK Singhai, LK Omray, GR Godge. Formulation Strategy for Low Absorption Window Antihypertensive Agent. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 3(1): Jan.-Mar. 2010; Page 113-117.   Available on:

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RNI: CHHENG00387/33/1/2008-TC                     
DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X 

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