Floating Micro-Balloons: An Innovative Approach
Shubham, Ritu, Neha Bansal, Dr. Kamal*
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana – 136119.
*Corresponding Author E-mail: shubhammph2010@kuk.ac.in, ritumph2018@kuk.ac.in, nehamph2015@kuk.ac.in, kamal@kuk.ac.in
The primary purpose of developing mechanism for delivering controlled-release medicines to the mouth is to hold on the medication as long as feasible in the body. The research and development of innovative medication systems of delivery has progressed scientifically and technologically in recent years. Tablets, capsules, pills, laminated films, floating microspheres, granules, and powders are examples of gastro-retentive dose forms. The homogeneous distribution of these dosage forms within the stomach, resulting in more consistent drug absorption and a lower risks of local discomfort, has made floating microballoons increasingly popular. So far, various approaches have been discovered for modification of these microballoons such as Floating system, System with high density, ion exchange resin, system with osmotic control, .expandable or swelling system and many more. These approaches play an important role as Compared to single-unit dose forms and such systems offer more advantages. Microballoons promote patient compliance by increasing medicine bioavailability, decreasing drug excretion, regulation of drug delivery. Micro-balloons are free-flowing spherical powders with a diameter of 1-1000 µm. Proteins or synthetic polymers are used to create it. The current pharmaceutical foundation of their design, advantages, limitations method of Formulation, classification, assessment procedure, factors affecting their formulation, and in vitro parameters are summarised in this review study.
KEYWORDS: Floating, Bioavailability, Gastro-retention, Micro-balloons, Polymer.
The most desired as well as effective method of providing medications to the circulatory system of the body is by oral administration.1,2 An ideal medication administration system would provide a consistent dose of medication having regulated drug amount to the targeted area in a quantifiable and repeatable manner for prolong period of time.3 Some of the disadvantages of traditional therapy may be mitigated by a well-designed controlled drug delivery system and thus increasing the dosage form's therapeutic efficacy.4 Gastro retentive types of dosages extend the duration for which a medicine can be released, allowing for longer dosage intervals and improved patient adherence or compliance.5 Floating drug delivery systems, also known as hydro-dynamically balanced systems.
They can float in the stomach for extended periods of time without influencing the rate at which the stomach empties because they have a lower bulk density than gastric fluids.6,7,8
Figure:1 Hollow Micro-Balloon
Micro-balloons are the spherical particles with size in the micrometric range (usually 1 to 1000µm) as shown in figure:1. Microspheres and micro-balloons are two terms for the same thing. Micro-balloons can be manufactured from both natural and man-made materials. Microspheres come in a variety of densities, both solid and hollow and having a variety of applications. To reduce density, hollow microspheres are often employed as fillers in materials.9
Using an emulsion solvent evaporation approach, Marbaniang D. et al.10 created Extended release Floating Micro-balloons with Clerodendrum colebrookianum in 2019. This GI (gastro intestinal) transit-control formulation is designed to float in gastric fluid with a density of less than one. As a result of this attribute, the stomach transit is delayed. The medicine is slowly delivered at the desired rate, resulting in increased stomach retention and less changes in plasma drug concentration.11
Advantages of floating microspheres12,13,14,15
· As the dosage frequency is decreased, patient compliance improves.
· A drug with a short half-life can have its therapeutic effectiveness improved.
· The buoyancy of floating microspheres extends the duration that food is held in the stomach.
· Because the medicine is only soluble in the stomach, it has a higher absorption rate.
· Due to the sustained release action, gastric discomfort can be avoided.
Floating drug delivery system16,17,18
Floating medication delivery systems are a relatively simple and reasonable method in the creation of Gastro retentive dosage forms (GRDFs) from a formulation and technology standpoint .Figure 2 depicts how they are classified.
Figure 2: Classification of FDDS (floating drug delivery system) 22,23
Gel formers, polysaccharides, and polymers hydrate Containing microspheres come into contact with stomach juice, forming a barrier of colloidal gel that slows the penetration pace of the fluid into the device and the release of medication occurs. As the medicated dosage form's exterior surface dissolves, the hydration of the following hydrocolloid layer maintains the gel layer. The entrapped air reduces the density of the microspheres and gives them buoyancy. However, in order to achieve optimal buoyancy, a minimum stomach content is essential. Recent advances include acrylic resin hollow microspheres, floatable shells of Polystyrene, floating balloons of polycarbonate, and gelucire floating granules etc.
Method of Preparation:
Solvent evaporation method27,28
Eudragit, HPMC KM4, and ethyl cellulose are among the polymers used to construct such systems. To make a homogeneous polymer solution, polymers and drugs are combined together and then dissolved in Ethanol, dichloromethane,acetone solutions, either in combination or alone. As indicated in figure 3, Pour the prepared solution in 100ml liquid paraffin and spin it at a speed of 1500rpm. Formation of emulsion takes place and then simmered for 3 hours at 35°C. Acetone or dichloromethane is entirely evaporated after the development of a stable emulsion, and the solidified micro-balloons are filtered using Whatman filter paper. Floating and sustained qualities are provided by this hollow micro-balloon.
Figure 3: Solvent Evaporation method29
Emulsion solvent diffusion method30,31
The drug polymer mixture is dissolved in an ethanol: dichloromethane solution and then added to the polyvinyl alcohol solution drop by drop. This solution is swirled for 1hour at 1500rpm and at various temperatures. The affinity between the drug and the organic solvent is stronger in the emulsion solvent diffusion method than between the aqueous solvent and organic solvent. The medication is then dispersed in an organic solvent, which is miscible, and In the aqueous solvent, the solution is disseminated, resulting in formation of emulsion droplets. As shown in Figure 4, The organic solvent diffuses into the aqueous phase around the emulsion droplets, and the aqueous phase diffuses into the droplets where the medication crystallises.
Figure 4 Emulsion solvent diffusion method 29,32
Ionotropic gelation method33,34,35
The ability of a polyelectrolyte to cross link in the presence of counter ions which form beads is called ionotropic gelation. This method is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. Despite their ability to coat the core of the medication and act as rate retardants, In their chemical makeup, natural polyelectrolytes contain particular anions. These anions, which are usually attached to anion blocks, form meshwork structures with cations having polyvalent structure and connect to them to encourage gelation.
Phase separation coacervation technique 36,37,38,39
This approach works by lowering the solubility of the polymer in the organic phase, Coacervates, a polymer-rich phase, is formed as a result. A polymer having incompatiblity is introduced in the system after distributing the drug particles in a polymer solution, causing the firstly the polymer to phase separate and swallow the particles of drug. When a non-solvent is added to a polymer, it solidifies. To make poly lactic acid (PLA) microspheres, Butadiene is used as an incompatible polymer in this approach. Process variables such as the rate of producing coacervate have an impact on the dispersion of the polymeric film, agglomeration and particle size, of the generated particles. Using a high-speed stirrer to agitate the solution will help to prevent agglomeration, When the microsphere formation process begins, the generated polymerize globules begin to cling together and form agglomerates. The process factors are critical in determining the kinetics of the generated particles because there is no defined state of equilibrium achievement.
Spray drying technique40,41,42
To dissolve the polymer, a suitable organic solvent(volatile), such as acetone or DCM, is utilised. Under high-speed homogenization, the medication is introduced to the polymer solution. Figure 5 shows how atomization of upward dispersion in a warm air stream results in the preparation of microscopic droplets or mist(fine). Microspheres with diameters ranging from 1 to 100m are formed when the solvent evaporates fast. The microspheres are then separated from the warm air using a cyclone separator and The ability to operate in aseptic circumstances, resulting in the creation of fast and porous micro particles that can be employed for poorly soluble medications, is a major benefit of this method.
Figure 5: Spray drawing technique 39
Characterizations of floating microsphere:
For evaluating floating microspheres, the following parameters are used
1.) Particle size determination43,44
The particle size was measured with the use of a calibrated oculometer under regular polarised light by an optical microscope, and By measuring 200-300 particles, the average particle size was calculated.
2.) Bulk density45,46
The bulk density is calculated by dividing the Mass of powder divided by the Bulk volume. A 10gm sample of granules is accurately weighed and inserted into a 25 ml measuring cylinder. Bulk density is determined using the eq. (values must stated in gm/cm3) and Without disrupting the cylinder, the volume occupied by the granules was measured.
Bulk density = Weight of the sample/Volume of the sample
3.) Tapped density47,48
It's the ratio of the blend's mass to the tapped volume. It was determined using a digital tap densitometer that assessed the amount of powder occupied after 100 standard tappings.
Tapped Density = Mass of microspheres / Volume of microspheres after tapping
4.)SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) 49,50,51
The determination of surface morphology is done by using SEM. The microcapsule is fixed on the SEM sample slab. Before being analysed, a SEM sample slab was covered with gold film using double-sided sticking tape and applied at a low pressure.
5.) Entrapment efficiency52,53
Microspheres containing the medication (5 mg) were crushed and dissolved in distilled water using an ultrasonic stirrer for 3 hours, then filtered and uv-vis spectroscopically determined. The ratio of real to theoretical drug content is used to calculate efficiency of entrapment.
% Entrapment = Actual content / Theoretical content x 100
6.) Angle of Repose.54,55
Most commonly fixed funnel method was used to determine the micro-balloons' angle of repose, which quantifies particle flow resistance. The following formula was used to compute the angle of repose from the height and average radius
θ = tan-1 ( h / r )
where, θ = The repose angle, h = Height of the pile, r = Average circle radius
7.) Swelling Studies56,57,58
Swelling investigations are carried out to calculate the molecular characteristics of swollen polymers. To detect swelling, researchers use dissolution equipment, optical microscopy, and more advanced techniques like H1NMR imaging, Cryogenic SEM, Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), and others are used. The swelling studies are determined by using the following method utilising a Dissolving equipment USP dissolution apparatus USP-24.
Amount of swelling = Wet formulation Weight / formulations Weight
8.) Floating or Buoyancy test59,60,61
The time interval when the dosage form is introduced and when it floats in the simulated stomach fluid, as well as the interval of time of the dosage form remains floating, both are measured. Floating lag time (FLT) or buoyancy lag time (BLT) is the time that takes to emerge on the medium's surface , while the overall length of floatation, or how long the dosage form remains floating, is referred to as total floating time (TFT).
9.) In vitro release study62,63,64,65
USP disso apparatus type-II will be used to perform the in vitro study for the formulations. The medium of dissolution (0.1 M HCl, 900 mL) is kept 37°C at constant rate of stirring. The pills should be inserted into the dissolving vessel. And sampling is carried out at regular periods and analysed by any sutable analytical method, such as UV spectroscopy.
This article describes an overview of the floating microsphere preparation process and assessment parameter. Floating micro-balloons have shown to have a great potential for gastro-retention, and they can be used to improve bioavailability and control the release of numerous medications. Furthermore, current advancements in pharmaceutical research will undoubtedly pave the way for the creation of unique and effective methods for delivering these potential drug delivery systems.
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Received on 15.03.2022 Modified on 13.05.2022
Accepted on 04.07.2022 © RJPT All right reserved
Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2023; 16(6):3025-3030.
DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00499