Common Edible Essential oils with strong potential against Breast Cancer and their Mechanisms
Bindu Madhavi Boddupalli1*, Ramalingam Ramani1, Michael Mung’oma1, Margaret Muraga1, Ravinder Nath Anisetti2, Appalaraju Nemala3
1School of Pharmacy, Mount Kenya University, Thika, Kenya.
2Center for Biotechnology, Institute of Science and Technology,
Jawarharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Telangana.
3Department of pharmaceutical Chemistry, Sulthan-Ul-Uloom College of Pharmacy, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana.
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
In present scenario of increased mortality due to cancer and highest prevalence of breast cancer, awareness about the treatment options is very crucial. Among the risk factors causing the cancers, diet and nutrition is one of the top risk factor. Edible essential oils are readily found in plant foods and their potential to mitigate cancer remains unexploited. They contain power ingredients that have inhibiting effects to proliferating cells and have mechanisms established against breast cancer cells. Several anticancer studies involving cell lines have demonstrated potent low doses of essential oils from traditional herbs used worldwide as condiments. Breast cancer is a global concern according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and mitigation relies on an informed holistic approach. This review highlights scientific evidence of effective edible essential oils against breast cancer. It covers in vitro and in vivo study findings of common edible essential oils. Future studies should involve determining genetic factors influencing breast cancer response to essential oils.
KEYWORDS: Essential oils, Breast cancer, Basil, Chamomile, Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove, Tea tree, Thyme, Oregano, Saffron and Fennel.
According to GLOBACON report, cancer is the reason for nearly19.3 million deathsin 2020 and is considered as leading cause for deaths worldwide. New diagnosis statistics reveal 11.7% female breast cancer, 11.4% lung cancer and 10.0% colorectal cancer cases as the top three cancers1. WHO report published on 26 March 2021 indicated that, in 2020, worldwide 2.3 million women were diagnosed and 685000 were died due to breast cancer. Closed to 7.8 million women werediagnosed with breast cancer by the end of the year 2020 and this makes it as the most prevalent cancer worldwide.
In view of this, the main aim of GBCI (Global Breast Cancer Initiative) of WHO is to create awareness about breast cancer and thus targeting the reduction in mortality rate globally between 2020 and 2040.Breast cancer involves malignant cell growth with a threat of spreading to other parts in case of no treatment2. Traditional herbs have been used for therapy from many years. Natural compounds are still popular and rich source of treatment and have been increasing interest since then. Healthy diets and nutritional supplements are always associated with reduced risk of diseases. The side effects of the existing breast cancer therapy are the motivating factors to research for alternative natural remedies. Antioxidants form phytochemicals and healthy habits like breast feeding and exercise play significant role in preventing breast cancer3-5. The thrust for anti-tumor agents from plants is an interesting and ongoing area of research right from 1950s with the development of vinca alkoloids6-7. Increased research on alternative and complementary therapies made them widely accepted8. Excess research is focused on development of new chemical agents to treat cancer which is the most fatal disease of 20th century9. The use of nontoxic natural phytochemicals in cancer treatment received huge success due to increased screening of natural products in recent years10. Among the wide range of available phytochemicals, essential oils (EOs) are always attractive due to their diverse biological activities. This review elaborates the, active ingredients, therapeutic potential and mechanisms along with the additional applications essential oils in breast cancer. The main focus of this review is to elaborate the benefits of common ingredients like edible essential oils in treatment of breast cancer and to create awareness about the same.
Essential oils are lipophilic and highly volatile in nature. They are secreted by aromatic plants and stored in different parts like leaves, buds, flowers, stems, fruits, seeds, roots and twigs. They are secondary metabolites of the plant responsible for defense mechanisms against herbivores, insects and microorganisms. They also help in communication with other plants and signaling within a plant for external stimuli. They can be extracted by hydro-distillation, steam distillation as well as infusion, hot pressing and supercritical extraction. Chemically they are complex molecules, general active constituents of are monoterpenes, sesqui-terpenes and di terpenes. They have wide applications in food, pharma, agro and perfume industries.
Basil oil
Basil was effective against MCF-7 cells and with a LC50 of 71μg/ml. Seed and leaf essential oils from basil showed potent toxic effects with the IC50 values of 52.45 ± 2.46 and 98.51 ± 6.49 (µg/ml) in MCF-7 cell line11. Ursolic acid (component in basil oil) at a concentration of 100μMresulted a decrease in the cells during anaphase/telophase stages supportingits anti-proliferative activity12. In another study against MCF-7 cells, Basil was found to have the mechanisms of DNA damage13,inhibition of cell viabilityin MCF-7 cells by cell cycle arrest14 and can activatemTOR pathway in MCF-7 cells with p70S6K15.
Chamomile oil:
Chamomile, in an investigation after 24Hof treatment on MDA-MB-468 and MCF-7 cells, the IC50levelwasfound to be 992 ± 2.3μg/mL and 1288± 5.6μg/mL respectively. At high concentrations it induced.The MCF-7 cells when tested withroot extract of Matricariachamomilla, there is a reduction in cell viability by 50% after 24H (at 1954± 4.2µg/ml), 48H (1700± 5.1µg/ml) and 72H (1560± 5.3µg/ml) of exposure16. The reported mechanisms are cellular apoptosis, necrosis and decreased cellular migration17, and inhibition of cell proliferation with G2/M phase arrest18.
Ginger Oil:
In-vitro studies using MCF-7 cell lines produced an IC50 value of 15.53±1.26µM. At a concentration of 15µM, ginger oilnegatively changed anti-apoptotic factors and improved the pro-apoptotic factors19.In 2021, a recent study on MCF-7 cell lines indicated the proteomic characteristics of ginger oil along with Bisphenol A. Ginger oil combination with Bisphenol A might have caused the death of breast cancer cell lines through oxidative phosphorylation pathway and succinate dehydrogenase signaling pathway as an important mediator20.
Cinnamon Oil:
Cinnamon oil exhibited significant effect in 4T1 adenocarcinoma in mice. At 10g/kg body weight, it reduced tumor occurrence by 15.5% and cumulative tumor volume by 58.5%. Significant reduction in proliferative (Ki67), angiogenic (VEGF and VEGER-2) and improvement in apoptotic (Caspase-3 and BaX) markers was observed. It also significantly reduced methylation of ATM gene promotor. During cell cycle analysisin cell lines,both MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 indicated clear stimulation of apoptosis21.
Clove oil:
The IC50 values of clove oil after 24H and 48H were 36.43μg/mL and 17.6μg/mL respectively against MCF-7 cells22. Treatment with 8μM after 48 h eugenol hindered 76.4% cells in MDA-MB-23123. Eugenol treatment resulted in 90% decrease in MCF-7 cells at 2.5mM with an EC50 of 0.9mM. 75% decrease in MDA-MB-231 cells at 0.9mM was observed and EC50 was found to be 1.6mM. At increased concentrations of eugenol, MCF-7 cells were more selective than MDA-MB-231 cells. At higher concentration up to 5mM, eugenol can induce destruction of plasma membrane and mitochondria24. Eugenol on MCF-7 cell lines demonstrated mitochondrial impairment. This oil also resulted in DNA fragmentation and cell membrane disruption causing the cell death23. At a concentration of 350µg/mL, it can cause accretion of cells in S phase after 24H. The anticancer effects of clove oil are due to its antioxidant, pro-apoptotic and anti-angiogenic properties25.
Tea tree oil:
Tea tree oil was also investigated on MDA MB cells and was found to be effective with an IC50 value of 25µg/mL after 48H26. In MCF-7 cell lines, tea tree oil exhibited strong activity with an IC50 value of 0.031%v/v. Cytometric studies indicated its mechanism of action involving G0/G1 phase cell cycle arrest27.
Thyme oil:
Thyme oil was proved to have anti-cancer activity and with an IC50 value of 448µM against MDA-MB-231 cell lines. The same study revealed its dose dependent early apoptotic and late apoptotic activity with a concentration above 400µM28. A recent study reported the IC50 value of thyme oil against MCF-7 cell lines as 11.7µg/mL29. An anti-cancer investigation of thyme oil in 2D and 3D cell cultures was through mitochondrial membrane depolarization, caspase activity and DNA fragmentation30.Another study involving the evaluation of 16 essential oils indicated anticancer activity of Thyme oil against MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lines). Thymus capitatas was more effective against MCF-7 cell linesand its IC50 value was 94.1µg/mL.Thymus vulgaris was effective on both the cell lines cell lines withIC50 values of 39.9µg/mL and 61.5µg/mL on MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells respectively31. T. vulgaris L. was found to be more effective against MCF-7 cells at a concentration of 400µg/ml and was found to have anIC50 of 48.01 ± 0.94µg/mL32.
Oregano oil:
Oregano oil was found to have an IC50 value of 10µg/mLagainst breast cancer cells33. Origanum vulgare and carvacrol were found to have 94.05%±0.11 and 93.43%±0.21 reduced cell proliferation against triple negative breast cancer cell lines. IC50 of carvacrol for all the selected cell lines ranged between 193−166µM after 48H. Comparatively the IC50 value for MDA-MB-231 was highest than other cell lines. 5µM cisplatin plus 100µM carvacrol reduced the cell viability compared to the cell lines treated with Cisplatin alone. This effect might be mediated by apoptosis induction34.
Saffron oil:
Saffron reported to have anti-proliferative activity on MCF-7 cells between 200-2000µg/mL in a dose dependent manner. Saffron acted via induction of apoptosis through caspase dependent pathway. A decrease in Bax protein expression was observed in cells. IC50 value was found to be 400±18.5µg/mL after 48H35. After 24 h incubation, crocetin(an abundant component of saffron) inhibited proliferation of cells and cell invasion at 1 and 10µM against MDA-MB231 cells. At 10µM crocetin reduced pro-MMP-9 activity and levels of pro-MMP-2/MMP-2 protein36.
Fennel oil:
Fennel oil increased the levels of a pro-apoptotic factor Bax and simultaneously decreased anti-apoptotic factor Bcl2 gene expression leading to the death of MCF7 cells37. In another report, the seed oil is with strong anticancer activity with IC50 of less than 10μg/mLagainst MDA-MB cells38. Thymoquinone from fennel seeds demonstrated anti-cancer effect against MCF-7/Dox which isdrug resistant cancer cell lines. It caused cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase and was found to elevate the levels of P53 and P21 proteins39.
Essential oils have been studied widely for their effectiveness against breast cancer. Lethal concentrations of several essential oils have been established depicting a strong correlation to anticancer activity that is under exploited in the treatment of breast cancer. Cumin oil in combination with retinoic acid and melatonin has demonstrated a reduction in mammary carcinoma in mammals as well as ginger oil. Similarly, ginger oil has improved cancer treatment outcomes as an adjuvant product in women. Other routes of administration apart from taking orally have produced positive therapeutic outcomes. Inhalation of essential oils has an established effect on the mind, reducing anxiety that is associated with cancer treatment outcomes. Overall, edible essential oils require further studies to determine effects on combination during treatment and future studies will need larger groups, other routes of administration including intradermal as well as the effects of longer durations when evaluating the role of edible essential oils in breast cancer treatment.
The authors have no conflict of interest in regard to this review.
Authors express their deep gratitude to school of pharmacy and Mount Kenya University for the support in completing this review successfully.
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Received on 27.09.2021 Modified on 24.03.2022
Accepted on 28.09.2022 © RJPT All right reserved
Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2023; 16(1):477-480.
DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00081