Protective Effect of Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) on Altered Liver Functions Induced by Noise Stress in Rats


Krishnaeswari Veluchamy1*, Manikandan Sundaramahalingam2, Vijayakumar Jagadesan3

1Department of Anatomy, Tagore Dental College and Hospital, Chennai- 600127. (PhD Scholar of Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha Nagar, Thandalam, Kancheepuram, Chennai, India). Affiliated to the TN Dr. MGR Medical University, Guindy, Chennai, 600032, Tamil Nadu, India.

2Department of Physiology, Tagore Medical College and Hospitals, Affiliated to TN Dr. MGR Medical University, Guindy, Chennai, 600032, Tamilnadu, India.

3Department of Anatomy, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Affiliated to Saveetha University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.

*Corresponding Author E-mail:



The high level of noise exposure has shown to produce a number of physiological, biochemical, and neurochemical disturbances in both human and animals. Therefore, the study was to investigate the effect of ethanolic extract of cranberry (CBE) on the alterations of liver functions enzymes, lipid profile parameters and histoarchitecture upon noise exposure in the rats. After the noise (100dB/4h) exposure for 30 days and 60 days, animals treated with the cranberry extract (250 and 500mg/ kg body weight) orally. The results of the present study showed that animals in both 30 and 60days noise exposure (DNS)groups had significant increase in SGPT, SGOT, LDL, TC levels and decreased HDL levels when compared to the saline control group. The treatment with CBE at different doses of 250 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg b.w. showed restoration of these levels to near normal condition at different significant levels for 30 and 60 days. The cytoplasmic damage and hepatocyte nuclei destruction caused by noise stress was reduced by CBE due to depletion of reactive oxygen species. These experiments reveal that cranberry intake is very efficient natural therapy against noise exposure induced liver functional alterations in rats.


KEYWORDS: Cranberry, noise stress, histopathology, liver functions, lipoproteins.




Noise is an inevitable part of our day-to-day lives and has become gradually increasing today’s major problem on the standard of lives. People are daily exposed to various noise levels produced by a variety of sources like commercial and industrial activities, transportation, social events, household sources, etc1. There are several physiological effects of noise exposure such as cardiovascular disease, irritation, sleep disturbance and ischemic heart disease2. The impact of high level of noise exposure to changes in the immune system and birth defects, in addition to altered serum lipid, plasma viscosity, platelet count, blood glucose level and reduced motor efficiency3.




In fact, epidemiological studies had reported that, exposure to a noise even <60 dB intensity may trigger depressive symptoms4.


The high level of noise exposure has shown to produce a number of physiological, biochemical, and neurochemical rejoinder in both human and animals. Acute and chronic exposure to loud noise induces oxidative stress that generates excessive free radicals3. Excessive free radicals generation during stress exposure induces the lipid peroxidation in many organs especially in the brain5 and decreases the enzymatic levels in other organs in the body. Many plant extracts and plant products have been shown to have significant antioxidant activity6, which may be an important property of medicinal plants associated with the treatment of several noise related diseases7,8. With growing interest in indigenous herbal plants for their therapeutic efficacy, various efforts are now concentrated in documenting herbal plants as a potential source of modern medicine.

The North American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) and its products have been widely used as nutraceuticals due to their anti-microbial, anti-mutagenic, anti-angiogenic, and anti-oxidant properties9. The American cranberry is a conspicuous horticultural nourishment food produced in Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Michigan, Canada, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington.Cranberry extracts rich in phytochemicals such as flavonoids (anthocyanins, flavonols and flavanols), tannins (proanthocyanidins, ellagitannins and gallotannins), quercetin, phenolic acids, these compounds reportedly inhibit oxidative process including oxidation of low-density lipoprotein10, oxidative damage to neuron during stimulated ischemia and oxidative and inflammatory damage to the vascular endothelium11, urinatory tract infections12. Cranberry ranks high among fruits in both antioxidant quality and quantity because of its flavonoid content and phenolic acids. Many in vivo tests have been conducted with cranberry extract for its hepatoprotective13, hypolipidemic14, hypoglycaemic and antioxidant activity15 Cranberry consists of several bioactive compounds such as fructose, vitamin C, flavonoids, anthocyanidins, catechins, triterpenoids and phenolic compounds that are numerously used due to their healthcare benefits and against different types of cancer16. This study is aimed to investigate the effect of ethanolic extract of cranberry on the alterations of liver functions enzymes and lipid profile parameters upon noise exposure to rats.



Collection of plant material:

The healthy dried Cranberry (Delmonte dried Cranberries) were collected from field Fresh Food Private Limited. Haryana, India. The collected specimen was authenticated in National institute of Siddha, Tambaram, Chennai. (Authentication No: NISMB3102017).


Preparation of the plant extract:

Preparation of the extracts was done according to a combination of the methods used by Pizzale et al., (2002) and Lu and Foo (2001). About 15g of dried fruit fine powder of cranberries were extracted with 150 ml ethanol (75%) extract for 1 min using an Ultra Turax mixer (13,000 rpm) and soaked overnight at room temperature. The sample was then filtered through Whatman No.1 paper in a Buchner funnel. The filtered solution was evaporated under vacuum in a rota-evaporator at 40°C to a constant weight and then dissolved in respective solvents. The concentrated extracts were stored in airtight container in refrigerator below 10ºC.




Six-week-old male albino Wistar rats (mean body weight, 180g) was procured from Kings Institute, Chennai. They are maintained at (25±2)°C and 45%-55% of humidity in 12 h light/12 h dark cycle. Animals were given free access to standard laboratory food and water ad libitum. The experiments were conducted according to the CPCSEA guidelines, the Ethical Committee Approval No: TMC/IAEC/01/004.


Noise stress Induction procedure:

Broad band (white) noise was produced by a white noise generator and amplified by an amplifier (40w) which was connected to a loud speaker located at 30cm above the animal cage. The intensity of the sound was measured by a sound level meter and maintained at 100 dB intensity19 (Manikandan et al., 2013). The background noise level in the room was recorded due to the ventilation system. Stress group animals were exposed to noise (100dB 4h/day for 30 and 60 days) at 08:00 to 12:00 h daily and control animals kept in noise chamber for the same period of time without switching on the generator.


Experimental Design:

The study was conducted on 48 male albino wistar rats which was divided in to eight groups,

Group I (Saline control) - Rats received vehicle only

Group II (CBE control) - Rats received 500mg/kg b.wt cranberry extract (CBE) p.o for 60 day

Group III (30 DNS) - Rats exposed to noise (100dB 4h/day for 30days) at 8:00 to12:00 A.M daily

Group IV (60 DNS) - Rats exposed to noise (100dB 4h/day for 60 days) daily.

Group V (CBE250+30DNS) - Rats treated with CBE (250mg/kg b.wt) orally for 30 days(Starting from the day of noise stress exposure before the rats were placed in noise chambers)

Group VI (CBE 500+30DNS) - Rats treated with CBE (500mg/kg b.wt) orally for 30 days along with the noise exposure.

Group VII (CBE 250+60DNS) -Rats treated with CBE (250mg/kg b.wt) orally cranberry extract for 60 days along with the noise exposure.

Group VIII (CBE 500+60DNS) - Rats treated with CBE (500mg/kg b.wt) orally cranberry extract for 60 days along with the noise exposure.


After the completion of treatment period the animals were euthanized by co2 inhalation and blood serum was collected for estimation of liver enzymes (SGOT and SGPT) and lipid profile (total cholesterol, HDL and LDL) and liver tissues were collected for carrying out histology study.



Biochemical studies:

Blood samples (5mL) were collected immediately in eppendoff tube and kept in centrifuge for 15 min at 3000 rpm. Approximately 3mL of serum was collected and stored at −20C until assay. The collected serum stored at -20ºC until biochemical determinations of total protein, aspartate aminotransferase (AST or SGOT), alanine aminotransferase (ALT or SGPT), total cholesterol, HDL and LDL levels. Determinations were done spectrophotometrically using Randox analytical kits according to standard procedures of manufacturer’s protocols.


Histopathology studies

After the fixation of liver tissue in formal saline (10%) for 24 hours, the tissue were subjected to dehydration using series of alcohols (methyl, ethyl and absolute ethyl alcohol) followed by embedding in paraffin wax at 56ºC. After that, the wax tissue blocks were sectioned by sliding microtome and then prepared for the histological slide examination under the light electric microscope (Olympus Cx21 with attached digital camera) after staining with hematoxylin and eosin stain.


Statistical Analysis

All data were presented as the mean±S.E.M. for n=6. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s T3 multiple comparison test. Comparisons between two groups were analyzed using the Student’s t-test. A P-value of less than 0.05, 0.01, 0.001 was considered to be statistically significant.




Fig 1. Effect of CBE on aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase levels in 30 days noise stress induced rats.

Results represents the mean ± SEM, n=6. ***p<0.001, statistically significant as compared with saline control rats; #p<0.05, statistically significant as compared with 30DNS rats; @@@p<0.001, statistically significant as compared with 30 DNS rats. DNS- Days Noise Stress; CBE – Cranberry Extract


Fig 2. Effect of CBE on aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase levels in 60 days noise stress induced rats.

Results represents the mean ± SEM, n=6. ***p<0.001, statistically significant as compared with saline control rats; ##p<0.01, ###p<0.001statistically significant as compared with 60DNS rats; @@@p<0.001, statistically significant as compared with 60 DNS rats.


Fig. 1& 2 depicts the SGOT and SGPT levels in both 30 and 60 DNS serum of experimental animals. The results showed that rats treated with CBE alone caused no significant change in (SGOT and SGPT) when compared to control. The noise exposure animals showed (p<0.001) significant increase in the levels of SGOT and SGPT in both 30 and 60 DNS groups as compared with saline control. The noise exposure group treated with CBE (250 and 500 mg/kg) showed (p<0.05) significant reduction in SGOT and SGPT levels for 30 days, whereas (p<0.01) (p<0.001) significant decrease for 60 days. The noise exposure group treated with CBE showed promising hepato protective potential by lowering the serum levels of SGOT and SGPT.


The effect of different doses (250 and 500mg/kg) of CBE on the levels of LDL, HDL and total cholesterol in the serum of all experimental animals were depicted in Table 1. Our results indicated that the exposure of animals to noise stress cause significant (p< 0.001) elevation in the LDL, TC levels and a decrease in HDL levels in both 30 and 60 days. Whereas, the noise exposure groups treated with CBE at different doses (250 and 500mg/kg) caused a significant decrease (p< 0.01) in the levels of LDL, TC and increased in the levels of HDL for 30 days and (p<0.001) significant alterations for 60 days.


Table 1: Effect of CBE on total cholesterol, HDL and LDL levels in 30 days and 60 days noise stress induced rats.



HDL (mg/dl)

TC (mg/dl)

Saline control

22.7 ± 1.4

42.3 ± 3.5

78.7 ± 6.5

CBE control

23.8 ± 2.4@@@

46.3 ± 3.7@@@

74.9 ± 4.1@@@

30 DNS

40.6± 2.6***

27.5 ± 1.4***

93.2 ± 8.7***

60 DNS

48.1 ± 3.4***

24.6 ± 1.1***

96.7 ± 8.6***

CBE (250) + 30DNS

34.3 ± 1.9#

31.6 ± 1.8#

90.1 ± 6.3#

CBE (500) + 30DNS

29.6 ± 1.4##

34.7 ± 2.5##

82.4 ± 8.4##

CBE (250) + 60DNS

39.4 ± 2.5##

38.7 ± 2.5##

84.9 ± 6.7##

CBE (500) + 60DNS

30.5 ± 1.8###

40.1 ± 2.4###

79.4 ± 5.3###

Results represents the mean ± SEM, n=6. ***p<0.001, statistically significant as compared with saline control rats; #p<0.05, ##p<0.01, ###p<0.001statistically significant as compared with 30DNS and 60DNS rats; @@@p<0.001, statistically significant as compared with 60 DNS rats.


Fig. 3: Histopathology of liver section in cranberry extract treated after the exposure of noise stress in rat

(a)Saline control (b) CBE control (a,b)showing normal architecture of liver with hepatocytes and sinusoidal spaces (c) 30DNS showed Widening of sinusoidal space with infiltration( elongated arrow) degenerative changes in hepatocytes (small arrow) (d)60DNS showed Spotty necrosis of hepatocytes (e) CBE (250mg)+30 DNS showed less apoptotic changes (f) CBE (500 mg)+30 DNS (g) CBE(250 mg)+ 60 DNS showed less degenerative hepatocyes (h) CBE(500 mg)+60 DNS showed normal liver architecture no apoptotic changes


The histology photomicrograph of liver tissues was depicted in Figure (a-h). Saline control rats and drug control rats showed normal well-developed hepatocytes, sinusoidal spaces and Kupffer cells. The 30 days noise exposed liver tissue group showed irregular architecture with widening of sinusoidal space with infiltration and degenerative changes in hepatocytes such as condensed and pyknotic nuclei with granulated cytoplasm. We also observed that apoptosis and well defined spotty necrosis in hepatocytes exposed to noise stress increased after 60days. Dose of 250mg/kg/bw of CBE decreased the apoptotic cells and cellular damage in hepatic tissue architecture upon 30 days and 60 days treatment whereas the dose of 500mg/kg /bw of CBE showed more effects by increasing the normal number of hepatocytes and total inhibition of necrosis and proves it hepatoprotective effect.



Noise is recognized as one of the most harmful physical factors and its harmful effects on living entities and biological systems are reported in systematic form as well as inducing hearing loss and damage to other organs20. Literature survey has revealed that noise can alter neurotransmitter levels, cause metabolic, anatomical changes and altered antioxidant enzyme status have often been regarded as the reason behind redox imbalance in the cell. Deficiencies in the antioxidant defense system impair protection against reactive oxygen/nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) leading to damage in vulnerable targets such as unsaturated fatty acyl chains in the membrane, proteins and DNA21.


The AST (aspartate aminotransferase) and ALT (alanine aminotransferase), enzyme are a sensitive marker of liver damage due to toxic drugs, alcohol and virus, The increased activity of serum AST, ALT were explained by excess free radical which reacts with polyunsaturated fatty acids of cell membrane leading to impairment of mitochondrial and plasma membranes resulting in enzyme leakage22.


Results of the present study showed that noise exposure group resulted in a significant increase in SGPT, SGOT levels when compared to the saline control group. The observed increase activity of serum SGPT and SGOT may be attributed to excessive release of marker enzymes from the damaged liver cells into the blood circulation23. Upon treatment with CBE of different doses (250mg/kg and 500mg/kg b.wt.) shows significant decrease in the SGOT and SGPT levels compared to the noise exposure group. Studies have reported that, cranberry flavonoid effectively reduce the elevated level of AST and ALT, and also prevent accumulation of lipid membrane droplets in rat’s liver24.


Plasma lipid response to stress varies from stressor to other according to severity and combination of more than stressor. So, stress may influence lipid concentration and metabolic thought variety of physiological and behavioral mechanisms. All type of plasma cholesterol levels increased in response to stress particularly LDL-C which constitute the bad type of cholesterol25. The stress induced an elevation in serum total cholesterol concentration which may persist through the recovery period, increased triglyceride level, fatty acids, LDL and HDL26. Based on the results of the present study, noise has also led to the increase of LDL and TC level and decreased HDL levels in blood serum in the noise exposure groups in both 30 and 60 DNS compared to saline control group. The CBE alone treated group has no significant change when compared to control groups, whereas noise exposed animals treated with CBE of different doses at 250mg/kg and 500mg/kg b.wt. shows significant changes in the LDL, TC and HDL levels compared to the noise exposure group.


Studies have reported that antioxidants phyto chemical such as flavonoid, saponin and phenolic acids, reduced the LDL, TC and increased the HDL level in hyper lipidimic rats27,28,29. It is well known that cranberry is having more antioxidant phytoconstituents; this phytochemicals might be responsible for its hypo lipidimic property.


The histological alterations observed might be an indication of hepatocyte injury due to the oxidative stress induced by noise. The hepatic structural disturbances increased in rats based upon the time exposure to noise. The cytoplasmic degeneration and destruction of nuclei in hepatocytes suggests that noise stress leads to reactive oxygen species which, in turn, may induce stress in hepatocytes, promoting apoptosis, and necrosis. The dose and time dependent protection was noted in CBE treated rats due to the hepato protective property of cranberry. Studies have shown that several plants have anti-hepatotoxic property30,31,32, the antioxidants compounds present in the plants ameliorates the oxidative stress induced hepatotoxicity. Previous studies have found cranberry bio actives improve lipid and cholesterol profiles in animals and humans, reduce blood markers of oxidative stress in humans, and reduce inflammations33. The cranberry powder diet has been reported to alleviate inflammatory response and lipid oxidation, which is useful to individuals with the metabolic syndrome34. Daily intake of cranberry extract has recently been reported to decrease high fat diet-induced weight gain, hepatic triglyceride accumulation, and oxidative stress in high fat/high sucrose-fed mice35. Elevated serum biomarker enzymes SGOT, SGPT and cholesterol associated with hepatocellular necrosis indicating the liver damage36. Accumulating evidences such a biochemical and histological studies proved that CBE has the potential ability to promote a healthy metabolic organ by reducing the hepatotoxicity caused by noise exposure.



In the present, cranberry ethanolic extract restored the increased serum enzyme levels, lipid profile and prevented the morphological changes induced by chronic noise exposure, and exerted effective hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic property. The presence of several bioactive antioxidants components in cranberry, particularly flavonoids and phenolic compounds, might be responsible for its hepatoprotective property. This is the first report to provide a direct evidence for the hepatoprotective effect of cranberry extract in noise stress animal models. Further studies are needed to elucidate the exact mechanism of action of cranberry and its active principle as hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic agent.



We are thankful to the Principal and Management Tagore Dental College and Hospital, Chennai for their encouragement to carry out this study.



The authors have no conflict of interest.



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Received on 12.03.2019           Modified on 16.05.2019

Accepted on 18.06.2019         © RJPT All right reserved

Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(1):09-14.

DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00002.5