Kinetic, Thermodynamic and Equilibrium Studies for the Biosorption of Nickel from an aqueous solution on to Ipomea palmata Leaves powder


K. Kumaraswamy1, P. King2 ,Y. Prasanna Kumar3

1Assistant Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, Vignan University, Guntur, Andhra

Pradesh, India.

2Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, AU, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.

3Principal, Visakha Institute of Engineering and Technology, Visakhapatnam - 530027

*Corresponding Author E-mail:



Enhanced industrial activity after the industrial revolution has led to the discharge of chemicals, which causes environmental and public health problems. The presence of heavy metals in the environment is of major concern because of their extreme toxicity and tendency for bioaccumulation in the food chain even in relatively low concentrations. The present review researches the sprouting of Ipomea palmata leaves powder on biosorption of Nickel metal present in a aqueous fluid arrangement. The impacts of different parameters (Time, pH, Dosage, Size, Concentration and Temperature) on biosorption of Nickel are studied. Removal of Nickel attained an equilibrium maximum of 30 mins. And slightly decreases with increasing Nickel concentration. The trial information gave solid match with Freundlich isotherm taken after by Langmuir and Temkin isotherms.


KEYWORDS: Biosorption, Ipomea  palmata, Isotherms and Nickel




Enhanced industrial activity after the industrial revolution has led to the discharge of chemicals, which causes environmental and public health problems. The presence of heavy metals in the environment is of major concern because of their extreme toxicity and tendency for bioaccumulation in the food chain even in relatively low concentrations [1,2]. Water has the central role in mediating global-scale ecosystem processes, linking atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere by moving substances between them and enabling chemical reactions to occur. Heavy metals of concern include cobalt, lead, chromium, mercury, uranium, selenium, arsenic, cadmium, silver, gold, nickel etc. 


Due to their mobility in natural water ecosystems and their toxicity to higher life forms, heavy metal ions in surface and ground water supplies have been prioritized as major inorganic contaminants in the environment. Heavy metal pollution in the aquatic system has become a serious threat today and of great environmental concern as they are non-biodegradable and thus persistent. To avoid health hazards, it is essential to remove these toxic heavy metals from waste water before its disposal. Hence, the government has imposed several stringent environmental protection rules. This has forced the scientific and industrial community to work towards decontamination of the effluents. Among all the effluents treatment of toxic metal bearing wastewater needs special attention owing to its non-biodegradable nature when compared to other organic pollutants. The studies made on investigation of economic and effective methods for the removal of heavy metals have resulted in the development of new separation technologies. Biological treatment, ion exchange, coagulation, electrochemical operation and filtration are commonly applied to the treatment of industrial effluents [3,4,5]. However technical and economic factors limit sometimes the feasibility of such processes. Then the search for new technologies has directed the attention towards biosorption. The main advantages of this method are of being effectiveness in the reduction of the concentration of heavy metal ions to permissible levels using low cost biomass materials, low operating cost, minimal volume of chemical disposable, regeneration of the biosorbent and biological sludge and high detoxifying efficiency of very dilute effluents [6].



In the present investigation, the potential of dry Ipomea palmata leaves powder as biosorbent for biosorption of nickel metal present in an aqueous solution is investigated.   The effects of various parameters on biosorption of nickel are studied. The measured data consist of initial and final concentration of nickel in the aqueous solution, agitation time, biosorbent size, biosorbent dosage, pH of the aqueous solution and temperature of the aqueous solution. The experimental data are obtained by conducting batch experiments.


Effect of agitation time:

Duration of equilibrium biosorption is defined as the time required for heavy metal concentration to reach a constant value during biosorption. The equilibrium agitation time is determined by plotting the % biosorption of nickel against agitation time as shown fig.1. for the interaction time intervals between 1 to 180 min. For 53 μm size of 10 g/L biosorbent dosage, 36 % (0.72 mg/g) of nickel is biosorbed in the first 5 min. The % biosorption is increased briskly up to 30 min reaching 62 % (1.24 mg/g).  Beyond 30 min, the % biosorption is constant indicating the attainment of equilibrium conditions [7,8,9,10].


Fig.1. Effect of agitation time on % biosorption of nickel


Effect of biosorbent size:

The variations in % biosorption of nickel from the aqueous solution with biosorbent size are obtained.  The results are drawn in fig.2. with percentage biosorption of nickel as a function of biosorbent size. The percentage biosorption is increased from 50 (1.0 mg/g) to 62 % (1.24 mg/g) as the biosorbent size decreases from 150 to 53 μm.  This phenomenon is expected, as the size of the particle decreases, surface area of the biosorbent increases; thereby the numbers of active sites on the biosorbent are better exposed to the biosorbate.


Fig 2. Effect of biosorbent size on % biosorption of nickel


Effect of pH:

pH controls biosorption by influencing the surface change of the biosorbent, the degree of ionization and the species of biosorbate. In the present investigation, nickel biosorption data are obtained in the pH range of 2 to 8 of the aqueous solution (C0 = 20 mg/L) using 10 g/L of 53 μm size biosorbent.  The effect of pH of aqueous solution on % biosorption of nickel is shown in fig.3.  The % biosorption of nickel is increased from 59 % (1.18 mg/g) to 74 % (1.48 mg/g) as pH is increased from 2 to 5 and decreased beyond the pH value of 5 [9,10,11].   % biosorption is decreased from pH 5 to 8 reaching 59 % (1.18 mg/g) from 74 % (1.48 mg/g). Low pH depresses biosorption due to competition with H+ ions for appropriate sites on the biosorbent surface.  However, with increasing pH, this competition weakens and Nickel ions replace H+ ions bound to the biosorbent [12,13,14].


Effect of initial concentration of nickel:

The effect of initial concentration of nickel in the aqueous solution on the percentage biosorption of nickel is shown in fig.4. The percentage biosorption of nickel is decreased from 74 % (1.48 mg/g) to 57.5 % (9.2 mg/g) with an increase [15,16,17] in C0 from 20 mg/L to 160 mg/L. Such behavior can be attributed to the increase in the amount of biosorbate to the unchanging number of available active sites on the biosorbent.


Fig. 3 Effect of pH on % biosorption of nickel


Fig.4  Effect of initial concentration for the biosorption of nickel


Effect of biosorbent dosage:

The percentage biosorption of nickel is drawn against biosorbent dosage for 53 μm size biosorbent in fig.5. The biosorption of nickel increased from 74 % (1.48 mg/g) to 90 % (0.5142 mg/g) with an increase in biosorbent dosage from 10 to 35 g/L.  Such behavior is obvious because with an increase in biosorbent dosage, the number of active sites available for nickel biosorption would be more.  The change in percentage biosorption of nickel is marginal from 90 % (0.5142 mg/g) to 92.5 % (0.3083 mg/g) when ‘w’ is increased from 35 to 60 g/L.   Hence all other experiments are conducted at 35 g/L dosage [18-22].


Fig. 5. Effect of biosorbent dosage on % biosorption of nickel


Effect of Temperature:

The effect of temperature on the equilibrium metal uptake was significant. The effect of changes in the temperature on the nickel uptake is shown in Fig.6. When temperature was lower than 303 K, Nickel uptake increased with increasing temperature, but when temperature was over 303 K, the results were on the contrary. This response suggested a different interaction between the ligands on the cell wall and the metal. Below 303 K, chemical biosorption mechanisms played a dominant role in the whole biosorption process, biosorption was expected to increase by increase in the temperature [23-26] while at higher temperature, the plant powder were in a nonliving state, and physical biosorption became the main process. Physical biosorption reactions were normally exothermic, thus the extent of biosorption generally is constant with further increasing temperature.


Langmuir isotherm:

Irving Langmuir [27-29] developed an isotherm named Langmuir isotherm. It is the most widely used simple two- parameter equation


(Ce/qe) = 1/(bqm) + Ce/qm                                                                         


From the plots between (Ce/qe) and Ce, the slope {1/ (bqm)} and the intercept (1/b) are calculated.  


The equation obtained ‘n’ Ce/qe = 0.061 Ce + 3.413 with a good linearity (correlation coefficient, R2~0.981) indicating strong binding of nickel ions to the surface of Ipomea palmata leaves powder.


Fig.6 Effect of temperature for the biosorption of nickel


Fig. 7  Langmuir isotherm for biosorption of nickel Freundlich  isotherm:


Freundlich [30,31,32] presented an empirical biosorption isotherm equation, that can be applied in case of low and intermediate concentration ranges. It is easier to handle mathematically in more complex calculations.

The Freundlich isotherm is given by                 

ln qe = ln Kf + n ln C            


Fig.8 Freundlich isotherm for biosorption of nickel


Freundlich isotherm is drawn between ln Ce and ln qe resulting equation is ln qe = 0.709ln Ce - 0.746; is presented in Fig.5.8 for the present data.  The resulting equation has a correlation coefficient of 0.996.


Temkin isotherm:

Temkin and Pyzhev [33,34,35,36] isotherm equation describes the behavior of many biosorption systems on the heterogeneous surface and it is based on the following equation


qe = RT ln(ATCe)/bT                                                      


The linear form of Temkin isotherm can be expressed as

qe = (RT/ bT ) ln(AT) + (RT/bT) ln(Ce)            


The best fit model is determined based on the linear regression correlation coefficient (R). it is found that biosorption data are well represented by Freundlich isotherm with higher correlation coefficient of 0.996, followed by Langmuir and Temkin isotherms with correlation coefficients of 0.981 and 0.963 respectively.


Fig. 9 Temkin isotherm for biosorption of nickel


Table – 1-Isotherms constants




qm = 16.39344

kf = 0.45113

AT = 0.260375

b = 0.017873

n = 0.600508

bT = 852.7901

R2 =0.981

R2 =0.996

R2 =0.963


Kinetics of biosorption:

The order of biosorbate – biosorbent interactions have been described using kinetic model.   Traditionally, the first order model of Lagergren [37,38] finds wide application.   In the case of biosorption preceded by diffusion through a boundary, the kinetics in most cases follows the first order rate equation of Lagrangen:


(dqt/dt)   = Kad (qe – qt)


where qe and qt are the amounts adsorbed at t, min and equilibrium time and Kad is the rate constant of the pseudo first order biosorption [39,40].   

The above equation can be presented as


 ∫ (dqt / (qe – qt) )   =  ∫   Kad   dt


Applying the initial condition qt = 0 at t = 0, we get     

log (qe – qt) = log qe – (Kad/2.303) t                                          

log (qe – qt) = 0.2023t + 0.6497


Plot of log (qe–qt) versus ‘t’ gives a straight line for first order kinetics, facilitating the computation of adsorption rate constant (Kad).   If the experimental results do not follow the above equation, they differ in two important aspects:

i)       Kad (qe – qt)  does not represent the number of available biosorption sites and

ii)     log qe is not equal to the intercept.


In such cases, pseudo second order kinetic equation: (dqt/dt ) = K (qe – qt)2 is applicable, where

‘K’ is the second order rate constant. 


The other form of the above equation is: (dqt /(qe–qt)2) = Kdt                 

let  qe – qt = x

dqt = dx

1/ x = K x + C

C = 1/ qe  at t = 0 and x = qe


Substituting these values in above equation, we obtain:

1/( qe – qt) = Kt + (1/qe)

Rearranging the terms, we get the linear form as:

(t/qt) = (1/ Kqe 2 ) + (1/qe ) t.                                                                    

(t/qt) = 0.638 t + 0.9521.


The pseudo second order model [41] based on above equation, considers the rate -limiting step as the formation of chemisorptive bond involving sharing or exchange of electrons between the biosorbate and biosorbent.  If the pseudo second order kinetics is applicable, the plot of (t/qt) versus ‘t’ gives a linear relationship that allows computation of qe and K.


In the present study, the kinetics are investigated with 50 mL of aqueous solution (C0= 20 mg/L) at 303 K with the interaction time intervals of 1 min to 180 min.  Lagragen plots of log (qe-qt) versus agitation time (t) for biosorption of nickel the biosorbent size (53 μm) of Ipomea Palmata leaves powder in the interaction time intervals of 1 to 180 min are drawn in figs.10 and 11.


Fig.10 First order kinetics for biosorption of nickel


Fig.11 Second order Kinetics for biosorption of nickel


Table.2-Equations and rate constants



Rate constants


Lagergren first order

log (qe-qt)=–0.032 t–0.120

0.073696 min-1


Pseudo second order

t/qt=0.833 t+2.243

0.309358 g/(mg-min)



As the correlation coefficient value for the pseudo second order kinetics is 0.980, we can say that the pseudo second order kinetics describes the mechanism of nickle – Ipomea palmata leaves powder interactions better.


Thermodynamics of biosorption:

Biosorption is temperature dependant.   In general, the temperature dependence is associated with three thermodynamic parameters namely change in enthalpy of biosorption ((∆H), change in entropy of biosorption (∆S) and change in Gibbs free energy (∆G) [42,43,44,45,46].                


Enthalpy is the most commonly used thermodynamic function due to its practical significance.  The negative value of ∆H will indicate the exothermic/endothermic nature of biosorption and the physical/chemical in nature of sorption.   It can be easily reversed by supplying the heat equal to calculated ∆H.


The ∆H is related to ∆G and ∆S as

∆G = ∆H – T ∆S                                          

∆S < 1 indicates that biosorption is impossible whereas ∆S > 1 indicates that the biosorption is possible. ∆G < 1 indicates the feasibility of sorption.


The Vant Hoff’s equation is

log (qe /Ce) =   ∆H/(2.303 RT)    +    (∆S/2.303 R)    

log (qe /Ce) = – 0.695 (1 / T) + 1.747

Where (qe/Ce) is called the biosorption affinity.


If the value of ∆S is less than zero, it indicates that the process is highly reversible.  If ∆S is more than or equal to zero, it indicates the reversibility of process. The negative value for ∆G indicates the spontaneity of biosorption. Whereas the positive value indication  is non spontaneity of sorption.


Experiments are conducted to understand the biosorption behavior varying the temperature from 283 to 323 K. The Vant Hoff’s plot for the biosorption data obtained is shown in fig.12


Fig.12 Vant Hoff’s plot for biosorption


In the present investigation, DH = 13.30726 J/mole, DS = 32.68417 J/mole-K and  DG = –9890 J/mole.  ∆H is positive indicating that the biosorption is endothermic.  The negative value of DG indicates the spontaneity of biosorption. As ∆S is more than zero, it indicates the irreversibility of biosorption.



In this review expulsion of Nickel on IP leaves powder has been explored. The Nickel expulsion process is fundamentally influenced by different process parameters, specifically, pH, adsorbent measurement, metal particle fixation and contact time. Greatest evacuation of Nickel on IP leaves powder was at pH 5.0. Nickel sorption concurs Freundlich display and took after the Langmuir, Temkin models. Pseudo second request show has clarified the Nickel sorption more successfully than first request.



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Received on 27.05.2017                   Modified on 29.06.2017

Accepted on 04.07.2017                  © RJPT All right reserved

Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2017; 10(9): 3029-3034.

DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00538.8