Marine Measurement based on Micro System Technology


T. Shanmugapriya

Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry, AMET University, Chennai

*Corresponding Author E-mail:



To progression of in circumstance compound and natural sensors has focused on the making of full scale instruments for single point sending. With the exception of oxygen sensors and natural sensors in perspective of fluorometry (that are as of now monetarily available) compound and normal sensors are not prepared to improve reiterated brief estimations at transient and spatial scales. This is conflicting with the crudeness and temporary irregularity seen in biogeochemical shapes. This paper depicts the early periods of headway of little and mass producible manufactured and natural sensors using Micro System Technology. It is assumed that these devices will be proper for mass association and will pass on reiterated compact data that will allow more important understanding and upgraded showing of biogeochemical methodology. At first the production of two devices has been centered around: 1) A downsized cytometer to number and speciate phytoplankton; and 2) A labon-a-chip analyzer using wet science and optical acknowledgment. The making of the examination chip for the cytometer and a scaled down scale coordinate sensible for the lab-on-a-chip analyzer are presented here. Preliminary examinations of befouling are in like manner discussed.


KEYWORDS: Micro System Technology, LOC, CIL.





Micro System Technology (MST) has been recognized [1] as promising for the headway of in situ oceanographic sensors. MST has been used to make Lab-on-a-chip (LOC) advancement [2] for more than 10 years [3]. This joins the change of creation analyzers for common checking, and the examination of microorganisms [4]. The limits to use in situ oceanographic applications fuse the multifaceted way of supporting apparatus required to work these devices, inconveniences in deliver and fulfilled power. The problem brought on by immense and awkward support equipment used with these "downsized" contraptions has incite the term Chip-in-a-lab (CIL). The present models and structure segments depicted here are CIL contraptions, yet the fact of the matter is to convey in situ devices.


Starting investigation using MST concentrated on the usage of Silicon based materials [5] which offer incredible material properties, the ability to create sub micron highlights, yet encounters complex produce technique. A basic reduction in creation multifaceted nature (and from now on headway time of model structures) can be expert using non silicon materials. This nor is to the disservice of exactness and slightest segment assess, however basically nor is a limitation for oceanographic lab-on-a-chip or cytometer contraptions.


To work self-administering in situ, marine sensors require the ability to interface their estimations with their region. At first host vehicles, (for instance, lightweight flyers, profiling floats and AUVs) will be used to give this handiness. Only a trial subset of the - 3000 floats starting at now on the planet's oceans have biogeochemical sensors, and after that solitary the modernly open oxygen and fluorescence sensors. This examination intends to fill this development cleft.


Crystal growth, perfection, linear and nonlinear optical, photoconductivity, dielectric, thermal and laser damage threshold properties of 4-methylimidazolium picrate: an interesting organic crystal for photonic and optoelectronic devices [6]. Preparation and Characterization of the Structural, Optical, Spectroscopic and Electrical Properties of Pr2O5 doped Borate Glass [7].



A. Cytometer:

1) Benchmarking:

Existing cytometric phytoplankton examination systems utilize requested differences in photosynthetic hues and jaunty dissipating of scattered light. Shading affirmation is performed by examination of fluorescence of individual cells when stimulated by (laser) light at different wavelengths. Light scattering properties are measured by getting and recognizing light at fated indicates in regard an excitation shaft. A FACSAria (Becton Dickson) equipped with 488 and 633nm lasers and office for estimation of side scattered light (SSC), orange (575/26nm) and red (645/40nm) fluorescence was used to benchmark the LOC cytometer (,uFACS).


Figure 1:  CIL, uFACS system schematic


2) Characteristics:

The uFACS measures the fluorescence properties of cells as they come a microfluidic channel at fast. Scattered light is not measured, yet rather the electrical impedance of the cells is settled. Estimation of the electrical impedance gives information on particle measure, which is correlative to the scattered light banner. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the CIL system.



Figure 3(a-d) are scatter plots for a regular have a go at containing a case of around 2500 cells. For this instructive accumulation, the three masses of cells were mixed in an extent of half Synechococcus sp., 15% Rhodosorus m. additionally, 35% L galbana and re-suspended in f/2 medium, which has an electrical conductivity of 6.2S/m.


Figure 3:  Scatter plot of uFACS data



MST assurances to give an assortment of gadgets to the era of littler than anticipated and mass conveyed substance and common oceanographic sensors. The headways grasped to date are enabling, however noteworthy effort is required to make from Chip-in-a-lab (CIL) systems to in situ Lab-on-a-chip (LOC). A CIL, uFACS interpretive system that uses auto fluorescence and impedance to recognize and portray green development has been made and fulfills comes to fruition basically indistinguishable with a business instrument. Dry film restricts are an insignificant exertion, quick differentiating choice to standard MST materials for this application and have been used to make working MST contraptions. In the work shown here, micro pumps with diffuser valves and piezoelectric incitation have been made in a speedy and down to earth way. Productive pumping of water with stream rates of up to 46ul/min has been refined. Early results from the examination of befouling and defend measures are engaging yet furthermore work is required with more personality boggling devices and for longer associations.



1.       Kneas K.A, et al, “Oxygen sensors based on luminescence quenching of metal complexes: osmium complexes suitable for laser diode excitation”, Analytical chemistry, 1996, 68(15), pp.2605-2609.

2.       Revsbech N.P, “An oxygen micro sensor with a guard cathode”, Limnology and Oceanography, 1989, 34(2), pp.474-478.

3.       Cruz N.A. and Alves J.C, “Autonomous sailboats: An emerging technology for ocean sampling and surveillance”, In OCEANS IEEE 2008 (pp. 1-6).

4.       Reyes D.R, et al, “Micro total analysis systems. 1. Introduction, theory, and technology”, Analytical chemistry, 2002, 74(12), pp.2623-2636.

5.       Manz A, et al, “Miniaturized total chemical analysis systems: a novel concept for chemical sensing”, Sensors and actuators B: Chemical, 1(1-6), 1990, pp.244-248.








Received on 30.06.2017          Modified on 09.07.2017

Accepted on 08.09.2017        © RJPT All right reserved

Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2017; 10(9): 2989-2990.

DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00529.7