A Pilot Study on Evaluation of Cucumis sativus L. as a Natural Antisolar agent


Ambar Gangale*, Sandeep Ambore, Mukesh Gavit, Sunita Lokhande

School of Pharmacy, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathawada University,  Vishnupuri -431606, Nanded, Maharashtra. India.

*Corresponding Author E-mail: ambore.sandeep@gmail.com, ambargangale@gmail.com



It is universal truth that, sunlight plays a very vital role in nurturing the life system. It is important for the production of hormone, Vitamine D and for normal activities of human being. The sunlight promotes the melanin synthesis and skin regeneration, which can be useful to avoid painful sunburn or other skin related complications. This study is carried out to evaluate fruit extract of Cucumis sativus L. (Cucurbitaceae) as a antisolar agent. The fruit extract was prepared without addition of water by simple grinding. The UV absorption spectra for solutions were obtained by scanning them in ultraviolet region from 200-400 nm. The UV scanning spectra of the 5% extract showed maximum absorbance 3.867, 3.858 with 2 absorbance maxima (λ max) 214.6, 210.2 nm respectively and one absorbance 3.588 at minima 213 nm. Whereas, 10% extract showed maximum absorbance 3.931, 3.888 3.846 with 3 absorbance maxima at 221.8, 211.8 and 226 nm and absorbance 3.624 at minima 217.2 nm respectively. It is observed that the Cucumis sativus L. can be efficiently used as a antisolar agent.


KEYWORDS: Antisolar, Cucumis sativus L., UV Protective. Skin cancer, sunburn.



Ultra-Violet rays classified into 3 types on the basis of wavelength. UV-A rays 400-320nm, UV-B rays 320-290 nm, UV-C rays 290-200 nm. Rays having shorter wavelength possess higher energy can cause more damage to skin (1). Among above mentioned UV rays UV- C  is highly energetic that can destroy skin but absorbed by ozone layer(2). UV-rays damage to DNA by direct or indirect way leading to melanoma (3).  UV radiation increase the chances of all three major forms of skin cancer, and 90% skin cancer are caused by UV exposure (4). Human body shows 2 types of protective mechanisms against the UV-radiation. First mechanism is by swelling of epidermis and second mechanism is increasing biosynthesis of melanin (5). Melanin acts as photo protective agent which converts UV-radiation into heat (6).


In market many sun-screen lotions are available among which 84% of sunscreen products are harmful to health (7). sunscreen lotions constituting  titanium dioxide  and zinc dioxide. which produce the reactive oxygen species (ROS), also known as free radicals. These free radicals are responsible for photo-carcinogenesis and skin aging (8).  This research work is carried to find out natural material which shows anti-solar activity and can be used as a substitute to available marketed preparations.  Cucumis sativus - L. (Cucurbitaceae) commonly called as Cucumber possess many medical applications (9). It contains anti-oxidants like ß-carotene and α-carotene, vitamin-C, vitamin-A, zea-xanthin and lutein (10). These compounds acts as a protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can be used in combat against UV- radiation (11).



Collection of plant specimen:

The Plant specimen of Cucumis sativus L. (Cucurbitaceae) was collected from a farm near Nanded.

Test Sample Preparation:

A fresh cucumber fruits of medium size was taken and grinded in mixer/grinder for five to ten minutes, which is filtered through the muslin cloth. This is considered as pure 100% sample (Stock solution).


Identification Test for Flavonoids:

Fruit of Cucumis sativus mainly constitutes flavonoids, Vitamin A and 96% water. General flavonoids identification test were performed on prepared aqueous extract.


Shinoda test (Magnesium Hydrochloride reduction test):

To the test Solution, add few fragments of magnesium ribbon and add concentrated Hydrochloric acid drop wise.


Zinc Hydrochloride reduction test:

To the test solution add a mixture of zinc dust and conc. Hydrochloric acid.


Alkaline reagent test:

To the test solution add few drops of sodium hydroxide solution.


Preparation of dilutions:

Solutions of different conc. i.e. 1ml/100ml (1%), 5ml/100ml (5%),, 10ml/100ml (10%),  were prepared by diluting extract in distilled water.


Spectra measurement:

The UV absorption spectra for solutions were obtained by scanning them in ultraviolet region from 200-400 nm using UV 1800 double beam spectrophotometer (Shimadzu).




Table 1 Identification Test for flavonoids

Sr. No.





Shinoda Test

Pink scarlet, crimson red or occasionally green to blue color appears after few minutes

Flavonoids Present


Zinc Hydrochloride reduction test

Red color after few minutes

Flavonoids Present


Alkaline reagent test

Formation of an intense yellow color, which turns to colorless on addition of few drops of dil. acid

Flavonoids Present


Spectra measurement:

The UV absorption spectra for solutions were obtained by scanning them in ultraviolet region from 200-400 nm using UV 1800 double beam spectrophotometer (Shimadzu). Following are the spectra for samples of 5% and 10% concentrations. UV scanning spectra of the 5% extract showed maximum absorbance 3.867, 3.858 with 2 absorbance maxima (λ max) 214.6, 210.2 nm respectively and one absorbance 3.588 at minima 213 nm.


While UV scanning spectra of the 10% extract showed maximum absorbance 3.931, 3.888 3.846 with 3 absorbance maxima at 221.8, 211.8 and 226 nm and absorbance 3.624 at minima 217.2 nm respectively.


Figure 1 UV scanning spectra of the 5% extract


Figure 2 UV scanning spectra of the 10% extract



The UV spectra obtained show that both 5% and 10% sample absorbs UV radiation at wavelength 210 to 230 nm which is mainly included in UV-C region. UV rays damage cell by producing free radicals which leads to apoptosis of cells or irreversible DNA damage producing cancerous growth. It can be concluded that cucumber extract can be used as protective agent against UV-radiation.


Conclusion and Future Prospective:

The Cucumber extract shows protective activity against UV radiation particularly in UV-C region. Synthetic chemicals which are used in sunscreen or suntan lotion against UV rays show many adverse effects. As cucumber extract is natural in origin so it can be used in sun-screen lotions as a alternative to harmful chemicals.



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3        Gilchrest BA, Eller MS, Geller AC, Yaar M. The pathogenesis of melanoma induced by   ultraviolet radiation. N Engl J Med 1999; 340:1341–8.

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5        Arun K. Mishra et. al. Pilot study on flowers of Calendula officinalis as antisolar agent, Journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals

6        Meredith, Paul; Riesz, Jennifer (2004). Radiative Relaxation Quantum Yields for Synthetic Eumelanin. Photochemistry and Photobiology 79 (2): 211–216.

7        doi:10.1562/00318655(2004)079<0211:RCRQYF>2.0.CO;2. ISSN 00318655. PMID 15068035.

8        http://www.naturalnews.com/021927.html

9        Martinez GR, Loureiro AP, Marques SA et al. Oxidative and alkylating damage in DNA. Mutat. Res.  2003; 544: 115–27.

10      http://www.pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?LatinName=Cucumis+sativus

11      USDA National Nutrient Data Base





Received on 09.09.2015          Modified on 18.09.2015

Accepted on 28.09.2015        © RJPT All right reserved

Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 9(3): Mar., 2016; Page 212-214

DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2016.00038.X