Author(s): Nina Nikolaevna Gavrilova, Irina Alexandrovna Ratnikova, Amankeldi Kurbanovich Sadanov, Saltanat Emilievna Orasymbet, Yerik Zharylkasynovich Shorabaev, Raushan Zhumabekovna Kaptagai


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00400

Address: Nina Nikolaevna Gavrilova1, Irina Alexandrovna Ratnikova1*, Amankeldi Kurbanovich Sadanov2, Saltanat Emilievna Orasymbet1, Yerik Zharylkasynovich Shorabaev3, Raushan Zhumabekovna Kaptagai1
1Laboratory of Microbial Preparations, LLP "Research and Production Center for Microbiology and Virology", 105 Bogenbay Batyr Str., Almaty, 050010, Republic of Kazakhstan.
2LLP "Research and Production Center for Microbiology and Virology", 105 Bogenbay Batyr Str., Almaty, 050010, Republic of Kazakhstan.
3LLP "Industrial Microbiology", 89/44 Al-Farabi str., Almaty, 050060, Republic of Kazakhstan.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 16,      Issue - 5,     Year - 2023

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Nina Nikolaevna Gavrilova, Irina Alexandrovna Ratnikova, Amankeldi Kurbanovich Sadanov, Saltanat Emilievna Orasymbet, Yerik Zharylkasynovich Shorabaev, Raushan Zhumabekovna Kaptagai. Selection of an active association of Probiotic bacteria and the Optimal composition of the Nutrient medium for Cultivation to increase the Therapeutic and Prophylactic effectiveness of a Medicinal probiotic preparation against Intestinal infections. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2023; 16(5):Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2023; 16(5):2427-5. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00400

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