S Narendra Kumar, Chetan D M, Lingayya Hiremath, Ajeet Kumar Srivastava, Muralidhara P L, Jyothsana R, Rithika Pravin Iye, Ruchika Pravin Iyer
S Narendra Kumar1, Chetan D M2, Lingayya Hiremath3, Ajeet Kumar Srivastava4, Muralidhara P L5, Jyothsana R6, Rithika Pravin Iye7, Ruchika Pravin Iyer8
1,3,4Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, RV College of Engineering, Bangalore.
2Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, NMAMIT, NITTE, Karkala.
5Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, RV College of Engineering, Bangalore.
6,7,8BE-Graduate Students, R V College of Engineeering, Bengaluru.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 15,
Issue - 7,
Year - 2022
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S Narendra Kumar, Chetan D M, Lingayya Hiremath, Ajeet Kumar Srivastava, Muralidhara P L, Jyothsana R, Rithika Pravin Iye, Ruchika Pravin Iyer. Molecular Docking studies of THC-HCA on Cancer Receptors. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2022; 15(7):3195-9. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2022.00535